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Our Diversity Is Our Strength
Journal of the American Planning Association ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2021.1936127
Carolyn G. Loh , Amanda J. Ashley , Leslie Durham , Karen Bubb


Problem, research strategy and findings

Municipal arts and cultural plans direct significant amounts of public investment and set far-reaching policies, as arts and culture investment becomes an increasingly widespread economic development strategy. Though these plans frequently advertise the city’s diversity, they often lack specific strategies for supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). In addition, the creation of these plans often does not involve urban planners, nor do the plans often connect to the city’s comprehensive plan or contain the types of fact bases and commitments to equity that comprehensive plans do. In this study of 64 U.S. municipal arts and cultural plans, we investigated what kinds of cities are producing arts and cultural plans that do a better job of integrating concepts of DEI and what factors can explain these differences. We also investigated which specific policies were present that addressed DEI in arts and cultural plans. We found that newer plans more strongly emphasized equity, and plans with more robust public processes and those in more diverse cities more strongly emphasized equity and DEI overall, whereas plans in cities with lower median household incomes more strongly emphasized equity and inclusion. Overall, plans were much more likely to talk about diversity and inclusion than the specifics of equitable distribution of arts and cultural resources.

Takeaway for practice

Planners need to get involved in arts and cultural planning to ensure that planning processes for arts and cultural plans work to achieve the same standards we expect for comprehensive plans. They must be based on inclusive processes, understand the range of diversity of people in the city, and commit to specific, targeted place-based and people-based public investment to improve equity. Planners can also expand their typical approaches through alignments with topical arts and cultural plans.





随着艺术和文化投资成为越来越广泛的经济发展战略,市政艺术和文化规划引导了大量公共投资并制定了影响深远的政策。尽管这些计划经常宣传城市的多样性,但它们往往缺乏支持多样性、公平和包容性 (DEI) 的具体策略。此外,这些规划的制定通常不涉及城市规划者,这些规划通常也不与城市的综合规划相关联,也不包含综合规划所做的事实基础和公平承诺的类型。在这项针对 64 个美国市政艺术和文化计划的研究中,我们调查了哪些城市正在制定更好地整合 DEI 概念的艺术和文化计划,以及哪些因素可以解释这些差异。我们还调查了在艺术和文化计划中解决 DEI 的具体政策。我们发现,较新的计划更强调公平,公共流程更健全的计划和更多元化城市的计划更强调公平和整体 DEI,而家庭收入中位数较低的城市的计划更强调公平和包容。总体而言,与公平分配艺术和文化资源的细节相比,计划更有可能谈论多样性和包容性。而家庭收入中位数较低的城市的计划更强调公平和包容。总体而言,与公平分配艺术和文化资源的细节相比,计划更有可能谈论多样性和包容性。而家庭收入中位数较低的城市的计划更强调公平和包容。总体而言,与公平分配艺术和文化资源的细节相比,计划更有可能谈论多样性和包容性。


