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Hiding in plain sight: Vulnerability, public administration, and the case of Covid-19 hotel quarantine
Australian Journal of Public Administration ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-28 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-8500.12505
Graham Dwyer 1

I examine how failures surrounding a quarantine detention program for returned travellers from overseas brought a deadly second wave of the Covid-19 virus into existence in Victoria, Australia. In addition to providing insights into the ways in which public administration organizations (PAO) can plan for and respond to wicked problems, I propose that they can learn to manage latent failures and equivocal circumstances before, during, and after such crisis events. This is important as locally and globally PAO face emergencies, crises, and disasters triggered by natural and non-natural hazards which remind us that we need to find new ways of learning while living in challenging times.


隐藏在众目睽睽之下:脆弱性、公共管理和 Covid-19 酒店隔离案例

我研究了围绕海外归国旅客隔离拘留计划的失败如何在澳大利亚维多利亚州引发了致命的第二波 Covid-19 病毒。除了深入了解公共行政组织 (PAO) 可以计划和应对棘手问题的方式之外,我建议他们可以学会在此类危机事件之前、期间和之后管理潜在的失败和模棱两可的情况。这一点很重要,因为当地和全球 PAO 面临由自然和非自然灾害引发的紧急情况、危机和灾难,这提醒我们,在充满挑战的时代,我们需要找到新的学习方式。