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Towards Sustainable Management of Mussel Farming through High-Resolution Images and Open Source Software—The Taranto Case Study
Remote Sensing ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-29 , DOI: 10.3390/rs13152985
Carmine Massarelli , Ciro Galeone , Ilaria Savino , Claudia Campanale , Vito Felice Uricchio

This research activity, conducted in collaboration with the Aero-Naval Operations Department of the Guardia di Finanza of Bari as part of the Special Commissioner for urgent measures of reclamation, environmental improvements and redevelopment of Taranto’s measurement, is based on the use of a high-resolution airborne sensor, mounted on board a helicopter to identify and map all in operation and abandoned mussel farming in the first and second inlet of Mar Piccolo. In addition, factors able to compromise the environmental status of the Mar Piccolo ecosystem were also evaluated. The methodological workflow developed lets extract significant individual frames from the captured video tracks, improves images by applying five image processing algorithms, georeferences the individual frames based on flight data, and implements the processed data in a thematic Geographical Information System. All mussel farms, in operation and derelict, all partially submerged and/or water-coated invisible to navigation poles and other elements such as illegal fishing nets and marine litter on the seabed up to about 2 m deep, have been identified and mapped. The creation of an instant, high-precision cartographic representation made it possible to identify the anthropogenic pressures on the Mar Piccolo of Taranto and the necessary actions for better management of the area.



这项研究活动是与巴里金融卫队航空海军作战部合作进行的,作为负责填海、改善环境和重新开发塔兰托测量的紧急措施的特别专员的一部分,基于使用高分辨率机载传感器,安装在直升机上,用于识别和绘制 Mar Piccolo 第一和第二入口的所有运营和废弃贻贝养殖场。此外,还评估了能够损害 Mar Piccolo 生态系统环境状况的因素。开发的方法工作流允许从捕获的视频轨道中提取重要的单个帧,通过应用五种图像处理算法改进图像,根据飞行数据对单个帧进行地理配准,并在专题地理信息系统中实施处理后的数据。已确定并绘制了所有运营中和废弃的贻贝养殖场,所有贻贝养殖场都部分淹没和/或被水覆盖,对导航杆和其他元素(例如非法渔网和海底垃圾)不可见。创建即时、高精度的制图表示可以确定塔兰托的 Mar Piccolo 上的人为压力以及更好地管理该地区的必要行动。