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Comparing Age at Cancer Diagnosis between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites in the United States
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-01 , DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.epi-21-0389
Humberto Parada 1, 2, 3 , Andrew H Vu 1 , Paulo S Pinheiro 4 , Caroline A Thompson 1, 2, 5

Background: Population age structure may confound the comparison of age at cancer diagnosis across racial/ethnic groups. We compared age at cancer diagnosis for U.S. Hispanics, a population that is younger on average, and non-Hispanic whites (NHW), before and after adjustment for the age structure of the source population. Methods: We used Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results data from 18 U.S. regions in 2015 for 34 cancer sites to calculate crude and adjusted (using age- and sex-specific weights) mean ages at diagnosis. Differences in age at diagnosis comparing Hispanics to NHWs ( δ ) were assessed using independent sample t tests. Results: Crude mean ages at diagnosis were lower among Hispanic males and females for all sites combined and for most cancer sites. After age-adjustment, Hispanic (vs. NHW) males remained younger on average at diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia [ δ = −6.1; 95% confidence interval (CI), −8.1 to −4.1 years], testicular cancer ( δ =−4.7; 95% CI, −5.4 to −4.0), Kaposi sarcoma ( δ =−3.6; 95% CI,−6.3 to −0.8), mesothelioma ( δ =−3.0; 95% CI,−4.3 to −1.7), and anal cancer ( δ =−2.4; 95% CI, −3.9 to −0.8), and older at diagnosis of gallbladder cancer (δ = +3.8; 95% CI, 1.8 to 5.7) and Hodgkin's lymphoma ( δ = +7.5; 95% CI, 5.7 to 9.4), and Hispanic (vs. NHW) females remained younger at diagnosis of mesothelioma ( δ = −3.7; 95% CI, −6.7 to −0.7) and gallbladder cancer ( δ = −3.0; 95% CI, −4.3 to −1.7) and older at diagnosis of skin cancer ( δ = +3.8; 95% CI, 3.1 to 4.5), cervical cancer ( δ = +4.1; 95% CI, 3.3 to 4.8), and Hodgkin's lymphoma ( δ = +7.0; 95% CI, 5.0 to 9.1). Conclusions: On average, Hispanics are diagnosed with cancer at younger ages than NHWs; however, for many cancers these differences reflect the younger age structure in Hispanics. Impact: Population age structure should be considered when comparing age at cancer diagnosis across racial/ethnic groups.



背景:人口年龄结构可能会混淆跨种族/族裔群体的癌症诊断年龄比较。我们比较了美国西班牙裔(平均年轻的人口)和非西班牙裔白人 (NHW) 的癌症诊断年龄,在调整源人口的年龄结构前后。方法:我们使用 2015 年来自美国 18 个地区的 34 个癌症部位的监测、流行病学和最终结果数据来计算粗略和调整(使用年龄和性别特定权重)的平均诊断年龄。使用独立样本 t 检验评估比较西班牙裔与 NHW ( δ ) 的诊断年龄差异。结果:所有部位和大多数癌症部位的西班牙裔男性和女性在诊断时的粗平均年龄均较低。年龄调整后,西班牙裔(vs. NHW) 男性在诊断慢性髓性白血病时平均保持年轻 [ δ = -6.1; 95% 置信区间 (CI),-8.1 至 -4.1 年],睾丸癌 (δ =-4.7;95% CI,-5.4 至 -4.0),卡波西肉瘤 (δ =-3.6;95% CI,-6.3 至-0.8)、间皮瘤(δ =-3.0;95% CI,-4.3 至 -1.7)和肛门癌(δ =-2.4;95% CI,-3.9 至 -0.8),以及诊断为胆囊癌时年龄更大( δ = +3.8;95% CI,1.8 至 5.7)和霍奇金淋巴瘤(δ = +7.5;95% CI,5.7 至 9.4)和西班牙裔(与 NHW)女性在诊断间皮瘤时仍然更年轻(δ = -3.7 ; 95% CI, -6.7 到 -0.7) 和胆囊癌 (δ = -3.0; 95% CI, -4.3 到 -1.7) 及以上诊断皮肤癌时 (δ = +3.8; 95% CI, 3.1 到 4.5 )、宫颈癌 (δ = +4.1; 95% CI, 3.3 至 4.8) 和霍奇金淋巴瘤 (δ = +7.0; 95% CI, 5.0 至 9.1)。结论:平均而言,西班牙裔比 NHW 更早被诊断出患有癌症;然而,对于许多癌症,这些差异反映了西班牙裔的年轻年龄结构。影响:在比较不同种族/族裔群体的癌症诊断年龄时,应考虑人口年龄结构。