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Perceived impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on child and adolescent psychiatric services after 1 year (February/March 2021): ESCAP CovCAP survey
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s00787-021-01851-1
Alexis Revet 1, 2 , Johannes Hebebrand 3 , Dimitris Anagnostopoulos 4, 5 , Laura A Kehoe 6 , Gertraud Gradl-Dietsch 3 , , Paul Klauser 7, 8

In April 2020, the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP) Research Academy and the ESCAP Board launched the first questionnaire of the CovCAP longitudinal survey to estimate the impact of COVID-19 on child and adolescent psychiatry (CAP) services in Europe. In this brief report, we present the main findings from the second questionnaire of the survey, one year after the COVID-19 pandemic began to hit Europe (i.e., February/March 2021). While service delivery to patients and their families was affected in a major way (reported by 68%) at the beginning of the pandemic, the majority of respondents (59%) in this second survey only reported a minor impact on care delivery. The use of telemedicine remained widespread (91%) but the proportion of CAP services partially closed or transformed to accommodate COVID-19 patients (59% in 2020) dropped to 20%. On the other hand, the perceived impact on the mental health and psychopathology of children and adolescents dramatically increased from “medium” (> 50%) in 2020 to “strong” or “extreme” (80%) in 2021. Four nosographic entities were particularly impacted: suicidal crises, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and major depressive episodes. Accordingly, this was associated with a substantial increase in the number of referrals or requests for assessments (91% reported an increase in 2021 while 61% reported a decrease in 2020). Finally, heads of the CAP departments expressed strong concerns regarding the management of the long-term consequences of this crisis, especially regarding the provision of care in light of the perceived increase in referrals.


1 年后(2021 年 2 月/3 月)COVID-19 大流行对儿童和青少年精神科服务的感知影响:亚太经社会 CovCAP 调查

2020 年 4 月,欧洲儿童和青少年精神病学学会 (ESCAP) 研究院和 ESCAP 理事会启动了 CovCAP 纵向调查的第一份问卷,以评估 COVID-19 对欧洲儿童和青少年精神病学 (CAP) 服务的影响。在这份简短的报告中,我们介绍了第二份调查问卷的主要发现,时间是 COVID-19 大流行开始袭击欧洲一年后(即 2021 年 2 月/3 月)。虽然在大流行开始时向患者及其家人提供的服务受到重大影响(68% 的受访者表示),但第二次调查中的大多数受访者 (59%) 仅报告对护理提供的影响很小。远程医疗的使用仍然很普遍 (91%),但部分关闭或改造以容纳 COVID-19 患者的 CAP 服务的比例(2020 年为 59%)下降到 20%。另一方面,对儿童和青少年心理健康和精神病理学的感知影响从 2020 年的“中等”(> 50%)急剧增加到 2021 年的“强”或“极端”(80%)。四个分类实体是特别受影响:自杀危机、焦虑症、饮食失调和重度抑郁发作。因此,这与转介或评估请求数量的大幅增加有关(91% 的人报告 2021 年增加,而 61% 的人报告 2020 年减少)。最后,CAP 部门负责人对管理这场危机的长期后果表示强烈担忧,
