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Long-Term Recovery of a Restored Palustrine Wetland: the Role of Monitoring and Adaptive Management
Wetlands ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s13157-021-01478-7
Susan Galatowitsch 1 , Julia Bohnen 1

In wetland restoration, adaptive management is a rarely used but potentially effective way to test initial assumptions of factors controlling recovery and adjust ongoing management to encourage ecosystem recovery. Limited development of monitoring practices and governance approaches hinder broader adoption of adaptive management. Reports of adaptive management for small wetlands, in particular, are lacking. We report here on lessons learned from monitoring a 3-ha, restored, palustrine wetland in central Minnesota for 23 years and using this information to guide management. The restoration was undertaken to convert a drained wetland dominated by invasive species to a high-quality meadow and marsh. Invasive species were treated, the drainage-tile system disabled, and 112 native wetland species seeded or planted. We installed a staff gauge for weekly hydrologic monitoring and monuments to delineate 26 vegetation monitoring units that encompassed the entire wetland. Five vegetation surveys were conducted between 2000 and 2019, consisting of comprehensive meanders of each monitoring unit; cover was estimated within each unit for all species observed. Coordination meetings of management staff and scientists were held to review evidence from monitoring that indicated a need to adjust vegetation or water management. Hydrologic monitoring provided evidence that the ecosystem goals needed to be adjusted and vegetation monitoring informed invasive species management. However, the linkage between monitoring and management could have been strengthened with a formal adaptive management plan at the initiation of restoration and with more frequent coordination cycles.



在湿地恢复中,适应性管理是一种很少使用但可能有效的方法,用于测试控制恢复的因素的初始假设并调整正在进行的管理以鼓励生态系统恢复。监测实践和治理方法的有限发展阻碍了适应性管理的更广泛采用。尤其缺乏关于小型湿地适应性管理的报告。我们在此报告了 23 年来从监测明尼苏达州中部 3 公顷恢复的沼泽湿地中获得的经验教训,并使用这些信息来指导管理。进行修复是为了将入侵物种占主导地位的排水湿地转变为高质量的草地和沼泽。入侵物种得到处理,排水瓦系统失效,并播种或种植了 112 种本土湿地物种。我们为每周水文监测和纪念碑安装了一个工作人员仪表,以划定涵盖整个湿地的 26 个植被监测单元。2000-2019年共进行了5次植被调查,由各监测单元综合蜿蜒组成;对观察到的所有物种在每个单位内估计了覆盖率。召开了管理人员和科学家的协调会议,以审查来自监测表明需要调整植被或水管理的证据。水文监测提供证据表明需要调整生态系统目标,植被监测为入侵物种管理提供信息。然而,通过在恢复开始时制定正式的适应性管理计划和更频繁的协调周期,可以加强监测和管理之间的联系。
