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The empty desk in class: a metaphor in the lives and classrooms of expelled immigrant children and their teachers
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-29 , DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2021.1956628
Silke Daelman 1 , Elisabeth De Schauwer 2 , Bruno Vanobbergen 3 , Geert Van Hove 4


This paper engages with conversations with two teachers who each build socially just pedagogies and engage in minor gestures in response to the socio-educational-political reality they were confronted with – namely, a pupil disappearing from the classroom when her parents’ application for immigration was rejected. In an assemblage connecting the conversations to a transforming picture of an empty desk, to social media posts and online news sources and to post-qualitative literature, we reconfigure the empty desk into polyvocal, continuously moving metaphors and remain attentive to the affective and material forces of the stories that the two teachers tell. The desk functions as (1) a speaking medium and symbol of protest against the violation of children’s rights, (2) a relational force in a broken class group, (3) a part of a pedagogical space for learning democracy, and (4) a mirror on our contemporary society. These metaphors become minor gestures and invite us to fulfill our ability to respond (‘response-ability’) to the violation of rights of ‘invisible children’ and the daily realization of inclusive education for all children in class.




本文与两位老师进行了对话,他们各自建立了社会公正的教学法,并以微小的姿态回应他们所面临的社会-教育-政治现实——即,一名学生在她的父母申请移民时从教室里消失了拒绝。在将对话与一张空桌子的变化图片、社交媒体帖子和在线新闻资源以及后定性文学联系起来的组合中,我们将空桌子重新配置为多声部、不断移动的隐喻,并保持对情感和物质力量的关注两位老师讲的故事。办公桌的功能是 (1) 一种表达媒介和抗议侵犯儿童权利的象征,(2) 破碎的阶级群体中的一种关系力量,(3) 学习民主的教学空间的一部分,以及 (4) 我们当代社会的一面镜子。这些比喻化为小动作,邀约我们对“隐形儿童”的权利受到侵犯,实现自身的反应能力('response-ability'),实现全班儿童全纳教育的日常。
