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Contracting cosmologies and the swampland
Journal of High Energy Physics ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-27 , DOI: 10.1007/jhep07(2021)206
Heliudson Bernardo 1 , Robert Brandenberger 1

We consider the cosmology obtained using scalar fields with a negative potential energy, such as employed to obtain an Ekpyrotic phase of contraction. Applying the covariant entropy bound to the tower of states dictated by the distance conjecture, we find that the relative slope of the potential |V′|/|V| is bounded from below by a constant of the order one in Planck units. This is consistent with the requirement to obtain slow Ekpyrotic contraction. We also derive a refined condition on the potential which holds near local minima of a negative potential.

A preprint version of the article is available at ArXiv.



我们考虑使用具有负势能的标量场获得的宇宙学,例如用于获得收缩的 Ekpyrotic 阶段。将协变熵绑定到由距离猜想决定的状态塔,我们发现势的相对斜率 | V ′|/| V | 从下方以普朗克单位为一阶常数为界。这与获得缓慢 Ekpyrotic 收缩的要求一致。我们还推导出了接近负电位局部最小值的电位的精细条件。

该文章的预印版可在 ArXiv 上获得。