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Starfish (Asteroidea, Echinodermata) from Iceland; spatial distribution and abundance
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2021.103605
H. Ringvold 1 , G. Guðmundsson 2 , T. Andersen 3

The Benthic Invertebrates of Icelandic Waters programme (BIOICE) was conducted between 1991 and 2004, for the purpose of gathering specimens within the Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone (59° 58′N – 69° 35‘N and 30° 52’W – 5° 34′W). In total 12961 asteroid specimens were collected from 654 sampling stations, which comprises 63% of all sampling stations. Sampling depths were between 20 and 2700 m. Total recorded asteroids for Iceland now include 64 species from 21 families and 45 genera, including 23 new species added from this study. The most abundant asteroids collected by BIOICE were Pontaster tenuispinus, Bathybiaster vexillifer and Henricia pertusa group. Maximum species richness was found at depths 100–200 m and 400–500 m, located above the cold Norwegian Sea Deep Water (−1 °C). 24 of the species were recorded at an abundance-weighted mean depth below 1300 m. The area south of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge (GS-Ridge) was more species rich than north of the ridge. Specimens within the rare Myxasteridae family were recorded.

A nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) converged fast from multiple starting points with stress = 0.18. All five abiotic factors (depth, temperature, salinity, latitude and longitude) were strongly related to two of the NMDS ordination axis. The first ordination axis scores had strongest correlation with depth (r = 0.84), whereas the second ordination axis scores had strongest correlation with latitude (r = 0.71).



冰岛水域底栖无脊椎动物计划 (BIOICE) 于 1991 年至 2004 年间进行,目的是在冰岛专属经济区(北纬 59° 58' - 69° 35'N 和西经 30° 52' - 5°)内收集标本34'W)。从654个采样站共采集了12961个小行星标本,占所有采样站的63%。采样深度在 20 到 2700 m 之间。冰岛记录的小行星总数现在包括来自 21 个科和 45 个属的 64 个物种,其中包括从这项研究中增加的 23 个新物种。BIOICE 收集到的最丰富的小行星是Pontaster tenuispinus、Bathybiaster vexilliferHenricia pertusa团体。在 100-200 m 和 400-500 m 深度处发现了最大的物种丰富度,位于寒冷的挪威海深水 (-1 °C) 以上。在 1300 m 以下的丰度加权平均深度记录了 24 个物种。格陵兰-苏格兰海脊(GS-Ridge)以南的区域比海脊以北的物种更丰富。记录了罕见的 Myxasteridae 家族中的标本。

非度量多维缩放 (NMDS) 从多个起点快速收敛,应力 = 0.18。所有五个非生物因素(深度、温度、盐度、纬度和经度)都与 NMDS 排序轴中的两个密切相关。第一个排序轴分数与深度的相关性最强(r = 0.84),而第二个排序轴分数与纬度的相关性最强(r = 0.71)。
