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Digital Collections of Examples in Mathematical Sciences
arXiv - CS - Symbolic Computation Pub Date : 2021-07-27 , DOI: arxiv-2107.12908
James Harold Davenport

Some aspects of Computer Algebra (notably Computation Group Theory and Computational Number Theory) have some good databases of examples, typically of the form "all the X up to size n". But most of the others, especially on the polynomial side, are lacking such, despite the utility they have demonstrated in the related fields of SAT and SMT solving. We claim that the field would be enhanced by such community-maintained databases, rather than each author hand-selecting a few, which are often too large or error-prone to print, and therefore difficult for subsequent authors to reproduce.



计算机代数的某些方面(特别是计算群论和计算数论)有一些很好的示例数据库,通常采用“所有 X 直到大小为 n”的形式。但是大多数其他方法,尤其是多项式方面,都缺乏这样的方法,尽管它们在 SAT 和 SMT 求解的相关领域中已经证明了效用。我们声称该领域将通过此类社区维护的数据库得到增强,而不是每个作者手动选择几个,这些数据库通常太大或容易出错而无法打印,因此后续作者难以复制。