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Through Their Eyes: Women and Human Security in Kashmir
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-28 , DOI: 10.1177/23477970211017483
Sehar Iqbal 1

‘Women’s responsibilities call upon them to function in many spheres of human experience … (and so) their perspective on human security is comprehensive, including factors overlooked by the state security paradigm’ (Reardon, 2010a, The gender imperative: Human security vs state security, Routledge, p. 16). Recognising this, the following research article records threats to human security in Kashmir as seen from the point of view of a representative cross-section of Kashmiri women. It argues that in the context of the Kashmir valley, no discussion of security is complete without broadening the perspective from state security to human security. Again, no analysis of human security in Kashmir is complete without taking into account Kashmiri women’s experience of human security threats. The lived experiences of women in Kashmir and their perspectives should be at the heart of any human security analysis. This article aims at recording these threats faced by Kashmiri women in their daily lives, using a case study model. It records the lived experiences of 20 women from different ethnicities, religions, regions and locations within the valley. In doing so, it acknowledges not only the constraints of the case study model but also the centrality of women’s rights to identify and confront the threats to their conceptions and experiences of security. It limits itself to the Kashmir valley where the worst of the violence has occurred since 1989. Twenty women from seven districts—Srinagar, Pulwama, Budgam, Kulgam, Anantnag, Baramulla and Kupwara—have been interviewed over a 6-month period. In order to understand diverse conceptions and experiences of threats to human security, care was taken to include women from diverse ethnic and religious communities. The study covers Sikh, Sunni and Shia Muslim, Gujjar, Pahari and Kashmiri Pandit women.



“女性的责任要求她们在人类经验的许多领域发挥作用……(因此)她们对人类安全的看法是全面的,包括国家安全范式所忽视的因素”(Reardon,2010a,性别当务之急:人类安全与国家安全,劳特利奇,第。16)。认识到这一点,以下研究文章从克什米尔妇女的代表性横截面的角度记录了克什米尔对人类安全的威胁。它认为,在克什米尔山谷的背景下,如果不将视角从国家安全扩展到人类安全,任何安全讨论都是不完整的。同样,如果不考虑克什米尔妇女对人类安全威胁的经历,对克什米尔人类安全的分析是不完整的。克什米尔妇女的生活经历及其观点应成为任何人类安全分析的核心。本文旨在使用案例研究模型记录克什米尔妇女在日常生活中面临的这些威胁。它记录了 20 位来自不同种族、宗教、山谷内的区域和位置。在这样做时,它不仅承认案例研究模型的限制,而且承认妇女权利的中心地位,以识别和应对对其安全概念和经验的威胁。它仅限于克什米尔山谷,自 1989 年以来发生了最严重的暴力事件。来自七个地区的 20 名妇女——斯利那加、普尔瓦马、布加姆、库尔甘、阿南特纳格、巴拉穆拉和库普瓦拉——接受了为期 6 个月的采访。为了理解对人类安全威胁的不同概念和经历,注意将来自不同种族和宗教社区的妇女包括在内。该研究涵盖锡克教、逊尼派和什叶派穆斯林、古贾尔、帕哈里和克什米尔潘迪特妇女。它不仅承认案例研究模式的限制,而且承认妇女权利的核心地位,以识别和应对对其安全概念和经验的威胁。它仅限于克什米尔山谷,自 1989 年以来发生了最严重的暴力事件。来自七个地区的 20 名妇女——斯利那加、普尔瓦马、布加姆、库尔甘、阿南特纳格、巴拉穆拉和库普瓦拉——接受了为期 6 个月的采访。为了理解对人类安全威胁的不同概念和经历,注意将来自不同种族和宗教社区的妇女包括在内。该研究涵盖锡克教、逊尼派和什叶派穆斯林、古贾尔、帕哈里和克什米尔潘迪特妇女。它不仅承认案例研究模式的限制,而且承认妇女权利的核心地位,以识别和应对对其安全概念和经验的威胁。它仅限于克什米尔山谷,自 1989 年以来发生了最严重的暴力事件。来自七个地区的 20 名妇女——斯利那加、普尔瓦马、布加姆、库尔甘、阿南特纳格、巴拉穆拉和库普瓦拉——接受了为期 6 个月的采访。为了理解对人类安全威胁的不同概念和经历,注意将来自不同种族和宗教社区的妇女包括在内。该研究涵盖锡克教、逊尼派和什叶派穆斯林、古贾尔、帕哈里和克什米尔潘迪特妇女。它仅限于克什米尔山谷,自 1989 年以来发生了最严重的暴力事件。来自七个地区的 20 名妇女——斯利那加、普尔瓦马、布加姆、库尔甘、阿南特纳格、巴拉穆拉和库普瓦拉——接受了为期 6 个月的采访。为了理解对人类安全威胁的不同概念和经历,注意将来自不同种族和宗教社区的妇女包括在内。该研究涵盖锡克教、逊尼派和什叶派穆斯林、古贾尔、帕哈里和克什米尔潘迪特妇女。它仅限于克什米尔山谷,自 1989 年以来发生了最严重的暴力事件。来自七个地区的 20 名妇女——斯利那加、普尔瓦马、布加姆、库尔甘、阿南特纳格、巴拉穆拉和库普瓦拉——接受了为期 6 个月的采访。为了理解对人类安全威胁的不同概念和经历,注意将来自不同种族和宗教社区的妇女包括在内。该研究涵盖锡克教、逊尼派和什叶派穆斯林、古贾尔、帕哈里和克什米尔潘迪特妇女。
