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Nonlethal capture of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) in fishing weirs as an opportunity for population studies and conservation
Marine Environmental Research ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105437
Eduardo H S M Lima 1 , Danielle Rodrigues Awabdi 2 , Maria Thereza D Melo 1 , Bruno Giffoni 1 , Leandro Bugoni 2

Green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) switch habitats during their development, moving from pelagic to neritic areas and then commuting between nesting and foraging grounds during adulthood. Due to their predominantly coastal habitats, they are under a range of anthropogenic threats. We monitored turtles incidentally captured in fishing weirs in Ceará state, northeastern Brazil, over a decade and provided an overview of capture rates in the fishery during previous decades. Between 2008 and 2018, 2335 captures were recorded, 76% were only once. Most recaptures (86%) occurred up to six months after the first capture, with a mean growth rate of 6.7 ± 3.6 cm year−1. Capture rates varied between years, with the highest rates during the historical period, peaking in 1962 (0.16 turtles day weir−1). Between 2008 and 2018, the daily capture rate was 0.07 turtles day weir−1. Similar to other areas, the use of turtles as a fishery resource seems to have reduced population sizes in the Atlantic Ocean. On the other hand, the intensive monitoring of local weirs provided an opportunity to mobilize the community regarding their conservation, which in turn could have supported the recovery of turtles from a number of distant colonies. The relatively constant and year-round capture of green sea turtles reflects the presence of individuals from different rookeries and demonstrates the importance of the region as a developmental ground for juveniles from different nesting areas, with high growth rates compared with other feeding areas. Partnership with local fishermen and the long-term monitoring of passive nonlethal fishing weirs are key tools in supporting sea turtle conservation.


在渔堰中非致命性捕获绿海龟(Chelonia mydas)作为种群研究和保护的机会

绿海龟 ( Chelonia mydas ) 在发育过程中转换栖息地,从远洋地区迁移到浅海地区,然后在成年期在筑巢地和觅食地之间往返。由于它们主要是沿海栖息地,它们受到一系列人为威胁。我们对在巴西东北部塞阿拉州的渔堰中偶然捕获的海龟进行了十多年的监测,并提供了过去几十年渔业捕获率的概述。2008 年至 2018 年间,记录了 2335 次捕获,其中 76% 仅捕获一次。大多数重新捕获 (86%) 发生在第一次捕获后的六个月内,平均增长率为 6.7 ± 3.6 cm 年-1。捕获率因年份而异,历史时期的捕获率最高,在 1962 年达到顶峰(0.16 龟日堰-1 )。2008 年至 2018 年期间,每日捕获率为 0.07 乌龟天堰-1. 与其他地区类似,使用海龟作为渔业资源似乎减少了大西洋的人口规模。另一方面,对当地堰的密集监测为动员社区保护它们提供了机会,这反过来又可以支持从许多遥远的殖民地恢复海龟。绿海龟的相对稳定和全年捕获反映了来自不同栖息地的个体的存在,并表明该地区作为来自不同筑巢区的幼龟的发育基地的重要性,与其他饲养区相比,增长率较高。与当地渔民建立伙伴关系以及对被动非致命性捕鱼堰的长期监测是支持海龟保护的关键工具。
