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Shaking Table Test on the Tunnel Dynamic Response under Different Fault Dip Angles
Symmetry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-28 , DOI: 10.3390/sym13081375
Duan Zhu , Zhende Zhu , Cong Zhang , Xinghua Xie

Fault-crossing tunnels are often severely damaged under seismic dynamics. Study of the dynamic response characteristics of tunnels crossing faults is thus of great engineering significance. Here, the Xianglushan Tunnel of the Central Yunnan Water Diversion Project was studied. A shaking table experimental device was used, and four sets of dynamic model tests of deep-buried tunnels with different fault inclination angles were conducted. Test schemes of model similarity ratio, similar material selection, model box design, and sine wave loading were introduced. The acceleration and strain data of the tunnel lining were monitored. Analysis of the acceleration data showed that when the input PGA was 0.6 g, compared with the ordinary tunnel, the acceleration increases by 117% when the inclination angle was 75°, 127% when the inclination angle was 45°, and 144% when the inclination angle was 30°. This indicates that the dynamic response of the cross-fault tunnel structure was stronger than that of the ordinary tunnel, and the effect was more obvious as the fault dip angle decreased. Analysis of the strain data showed that the strain response of the fault-crossing tunnels was more sensitive to the fault dip. The peak strain and increase in fault-crossing tunnels were much larger than those of ordinary tunnels, and smaller fault dips led to larger increases in the strain peak; consequently, the tunnel would reach the ultimate strain and break down when the input PGA was smaller. Generally, the influence of fault inclination on the dynamic response of the tunnel lining should receive increased consideration in the seismic design of tunnels.



穿越断层隧道在地震动力学作用下经常受到严重破坏。因此,研究隧道穿越断层的动力响应特性具有重要的工程意义。在此,对滇中引水工程香炉山隧道进行了研究。利用振动台试验装置,进行了4组不同断层倾角的深埋隧道动力模型试验。介绍了模型相似率、相似材料选择、模型箱设计、正弦波加载等测试方案。监测隧道衬砌的加速度和应变数据。加速度数据分析表明,当输入PGA为0.6 g时,与普通隧道相比,倾角为75°时加速度增加117%,倾角为45°时加速度增加127%,倾角为 30°时为 144%。这表明跨断层隧道结构的动力响应强于普通隧道,且随着断层倾角的减小,影响更加明显。应变数据分析表明,穿越断层隧道的应变响应对断层倾角更为敏感。穿越断层隧道的峰值应变和增加量远大于普通隧道,断层倾角越小应变峰值增加幅度越大;因此,当输入 PGA 较小时,隧道将达到极限应变并破裂。一般来说,在隧道抗震设计中,应更多地考虑断层倾角对隧道衬砌动力响应的影响。这表明跨断层隧道结构的动力响应强于普通隧道,且随着断层倾角的减小,影响更加明显。应变数据分析表明,穿越断层隧道的应变响应对断层倾角更为敏感。穿越断层隧道的峰值应变和增加量远大于普通隧道,断层倾角越小应变峰值增加幅度越大;因此,当输入 PGA 较小时,隧道将达到极限应变并破裂。一般来说,在隧道抗震设计中,应更多地考虑断层倾角对隧道衬砌动力响应的影响。这表明跨断层隧道结构的动力响应强于普通隧道,且随着断层倾角的减小,影响更加明显。应变数据分析表明,穿越断层隧道的应变响应对断层倾角更为敏感。穿越断层隧道的峰值应变和增加量远大于普通隧道,断层倾角越小应变峰值增加幅度越大;因此,当输入 PGA 较小时,隧道将达到极限应变并破裂。一般来说,在隧道抗震设计中,应更多地考虑断层倾角对隧道衬砌动力响应的影响。