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Residue Valorization in the Iron and Steel Industries: Sustainable Solutions for a Cleaner and More Competitive Future Europe
Metals ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-28 , DOI: 10.3390/met11081202
Johannes Rieger , Valentina Colla , Ismael Matino , Teresa Annunziata Branca , Gerald Stubbe , Andrea Panizza , Carlo Brondi , Mohammadtaghi Falsafi , Johannes Hage , Xuan Wang , Bernhard Voraberger , Thomas Fenzl , Victoria Masaguer , Eros Luciano Faraci , Loredana di Sante , Filippo Cirilli , Florian Loose , Christoph Thaler , Aintzane Soto , Piero Frittella , Gianpaolo Foglio , Cosmo di Cecca , Mattia Tellaroli , Marco Corbella , Marta Guzzon , Enrico Malfa , Agnieszka Morillon , David Algermissen , Klaus Peters , Delphine Snaet

The steel industry is an important engine for sustainable growth, added value, and high-quality employment within the European Union. It is committed to reducing its CO2 emissions due to production by up to 50% by 2030 compared to 1990′s level by developing and upscaling the technologies required to contribute to European initiatives, such as the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) and the European Green Deal (EGD). The Clean Steel Partnership (CSP, a public–private partnership), which is led by the European Steel Association (EUROFER) and the European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP), defined technological CO2 mitigation pathways comprising carbon direct avoidance (CDA), smart carbon usage SCU), and a circular economy (CE). CE approaches ensure competitiveness through increased resource efficiency and sustainability and consist of different issues, such as the valorization of steelmaking residues (dusts, slags, sludge) for internal recycling in the steelmaking process, enhanced steel recycling (scrap use), the use of secondary carbon carriers from non-steel sectors as a reducing agent and energy source in the steelmaking process chain, and CE business models (supply chain analyses). The current paper gives an overview of different technological CE approaches as obtained in a dedicated workshop called “Resi4Future—Residue valorization in iron and steel industry: sustainable solutions for a cleaner and more competitive future Europe” that was organized by ESTEP to focus on future challenges toward the final goal of industrial deployment.



钢铁行业是欧盟内可持续增长、附加值和高质量就业的重要引擎。它致力于减少CO 2排放量因产量达50%,到2030年相比,通过开发和扩大该技术1990年的水平需要促进欧洲的举措,如循环经济行动计划(CEAP)和欧洲绿色协议 (EGD)。由欧洲钢铁协会 (EUROFER) 和欧洲钢铁技术平台 (ESTEP) 牵头的清洁钢铁伙伴关系(CSP,一种公私合作伙伴关系)定义了技术 CO 2缓解途径包括直接避免碳 (CDA)、智能碳使用 SCU) 和循环经济 (CE)。CE 方法通过提高资源效率和可持续性来确保竞争力,包括不同的问题,例如在炼钢过程中为内部回收利用炼钢残留物(粉尘、炉渣、污泥)的价值化、加强钢回收(废料使用)、二次利用非钢铁行业的碳载体作为炼钢工艺链中的还原剂和能源,以及 CE 商业模式(供应链分析)。当前论文概述了在名为“Resi4Future——钢铁工业中的残留物价值化”的专门研讨会中获得的不同技术 CE 方法: