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The micro-economic impacts of a ban on glyphosate and its replacement with mechanical weeding in French vineyards
Crop Protection ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2021.105778
Florence Jacquet 1 , Nathalie Delame 2 , Jesus Lozano Vita 1 , Christian Huyghe 3 , Xavier Reboud 4

In France, viticulture is the production sector that uses the highest amount of glyphosate per hectare. The prospect of banning this pesticide in France, and in Europe as a whole, has led us to study the existence of alternatives to this herbicide, following article 50.2 of the European regulation 1107/2009, and to estimate the additional costs involved. Based on a national public database, we synthesized the different weed control practices in viticulture and calculated their costs. Our results showed that alternative methods to the use of glyphosate are more or less widespread depending on the wine-producing area in France.

Inter-row non-chemical weed control is widespread and involves mechanical operations, with or without the use of cover crops. The most difficult aspect concerns weed control between vine stocks within the rows (intra-row), without applying herbicide. The size of the farms, the structure of the vineyards and especially the distance between rows largely account for the differences in the adoption rates of glyphosate-free practices in wine-producing areas. In total, the additional cost of mechanical weeding compared to glyphosate chemical weeding is €250/ha on average, and varies from €12 to €553/ha depending on the wine-producing area. The generalization of alternatives to glyphosate-use under the European ban on glyphosate could have economic consequences on the income of farmers, the magnitude of which depends on several factors, including the type of vineyard, availability of labour and equipment on each farm, as well as marketing channels.



在法国,葡萄栽培是每公顷使用最多草甘膦的生产部门。在法国和整个欧洲禁用这种农药的前景促使我们按照欧洲法规 1107/2009 的第 50.2 条研究这种除草剂的替代品的存在,并估计所涉及的额外成本。基于一个国家公共数据库,我们综合了葡萄栽培中不同的杂草控制措施并计算了它们的成本。我们的结果表明,根据法国的葡萄酒产区,使用草甘膦的替代方法或多或少普遍存在。

行间非化学杂草控制很普遍,涉及机械操作,使用或不使用覆盖作物。最困难的方面涉及行内(行内)葡萄藤之间的杂草控制,而不使用除草剂。农场的规模、葡萄园的结构,尤其是行距之间的距离,很大程度上是葡萄酒产区采用无草甘膦做法的差异的主要原因。总的来说,与草甘膦化学除草相比,机械除草的额外成本平均为 250 欧元/公顷,根据葡萄酒产区的不同,从 12 欧元到 553 欧元/公顷不等。在欧洲草甘膦禁令下推广使用草甘膦替代品可能会对农民的收入产生经济影响,其程度取决于几个因素,
