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Taking a microscale look at symbiotic interactions—and why it matters [Applied Biological Sciences]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-27
Thomas C. G. Bosch

In 1881 the first significant work on earthworm behavior and ecology was published (1). It was Charles Darwin´s last scientific book and is still a fascinating and rewarding read. In PNAS, Geier et al. (2) use an earthworm taken directly from nature to present a method that allows in situ...


从微观层面看共生相互作用——以及为什么它很重要 [应用生物科学]

1881 年发表了关于蚯蚓行为和生态学的第一部重要著作 (1)。这是查尔斯·达尔文 (Charles Darwin) 的最后一本科学著作,至今仍是一本引人入胜且有益的读物。在 PNAS 中,Geier 等人。(2) 使用直接取自自然界的蚯蚓来呈现一种允许原位...