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Local economic governance strategies in the UK’s post-industrial cities and the challenges of improving local work and employment conditions
Local Economy ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-27 , DOI: 10.1177/02690942211032507
Edward Yates 1 , Ian Clark 2 , William Rossiter 2

This study examines two inter-connected issues: the local economic governance strategies pursued by English local authorities in the post-2007 Crisis austerity period, and the impact of these strategies on local work and employment conditions. The study draws on interview data, policy documents and statistical datasets from an analysis of two English localities to understand how local authorities responded to the economic pressures resulting from the 2007 Crisis and subsequent imposition of austerity policies. The study finds local authorities engaged in various forms of entrepreneurial and austerity urbanist policies under conditions of tight budgetary constraints, resulting in an increased role for the private sector as a vehicle to generate jobs and increase tax revenue. This process has increased the influence of private sector actors within local government, part of a longer term trend. This study presents evidence to illustrate why this scenario is problematic for improving work and employment conditions, chiefly due to an unwillingness to progressively regulate work, and a prioritising of job quantity in terms of total employment, rather than favouring the creation of sustainable, high-quality local employment.



本研究考察了两个相互关联的问题:英国地方当局在 2007 年危机后紧缩时期推行的地方经济治理战略,以及这些战略对当地工作和就业条件的影响。该研究利用来自英国两个地方的分析的访谈数据、政策文件和统计数据集,以了解地方当局如何应对 2007 年危机和随后实施的紧缩政策造成的经济压力。该研究发现,地方当局在预算紧缩的情况下采取各种形式的创业和紧缩城市主义政策,导致私营部门作为创造就业机会和增加税收的工具发挥更大的作用。这一过程增加了地方政府内部私营部门行为者的影响力,这是长期趋势的一部分。本研究提供了证据来说明为什么这种情况在改善工作和就业条件方面存在问题,主要是由于不愿意逐步规范工作,并根据总就业优先考虑工作数量,而不是支持创造可持续的、高水平的工作。优质的当地就业。
