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The pathology of natural and experimentally induced Campylobacter jejuni abortion in sheep
The Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 , DOI: 10.1177/10406387211033293
Michael J Yaeger 1 , Orhan Sahin 2 , Paul J Plummer 2 , Zuowei Wu 3 , Judith A Stasko 4 , Qijing Zhang 3

We describe here the gross and microscopic lesions in 18 experimentally induced and 120 natural Campylobacter abortions. In natural Campylobacter abortions, gross lesions were reported infrequently; placentitis was recorded in 6% and hepatic lesions in 4% of our field cases. Placentitis was the microscopic lesion identified most consistently in natural abortions (93%) and was often observed in association with abundant bacterial colonies in chorionic villi (54%) and less often with placental vasculitis (13%). In natural abortions, suppurative fetal pneumonia (48%), necrosuppurative hepatitis (16%), and purulent meningitis (7%) were also observed. The better-preserved specimens from experimentally induced abortions were utilized to define placental changes more precisely. Placentitis was identified in all 18 experimentally induced abortions and was observed most consistently in the chorionic villus stroma (100%), often accompanied by suppurative surface exudate (89%). An inflammatory infiltrate was less commonly identified in the cotyledonary hilus (39%) and intercotyledonary placenta (22%). Bacteria were visualized in H&E-stained sections in 89% of placentas from experimentally infected ewes, primarily as well-demarcated bacterial colonies within subtrophoblastic, sinusoidal capillaries (89%), in the cotyledonary villus stroma (89%), and within the cytoplasm of trophoblasts (22%). Transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry confirmed that the vast majority of the well-demarcated bacterial colonies characteristic of Campylobacter abortion were within subtrophoblastic sinusoidal capillaries. The most characteristic microscopic lesions identified in cases of Campylobacter abortion in sheep were placentitis with placental bacterial colonies, placental vasculitis, and fetal pneumonia.



我们在这里描述了 18 例实验诱导和 120 例自然弯曲杆菌流产中的大体和微观病变。在天然弯曲杆菌中很少报告流产、严重损伤;在我们的实地病例中,有 6% 发生胎盘炎,4% 发生肝损伤。胎盘炎是自然流产中最常见的显微病变(93%),通常与绒毛膜绒毛中大量细菌菌落相关(54%),较少见于胎盘血管炎(13%)。在自然流产中,还观察到化脓性胎儿肺炎(48%)、坏死性化脓性肝炎(16%)和化脓性脑膜炎(7%)。来自实验性流产的保存较好的标本被用来更精确地定义胎盘变化。在所有 18 例实验性流产中都发现了胎盘炎,并且在绒毛膜绒毛基质中观察到的最为一致(100%),通常伴有化脓性表面渗出物(89%)。在子叶门 (39%) 和子叶间胎盘 (22%) 中较少发现炎症浸润。89% 的实验感染母羊胎盘的 H&E 染色切片中可见细菌,主要是亚滋养层、血窦毛细血管 (89%)、子叶绒毛基质 (89%) 和细胞质内的界限分明的细菌菌落。滋养层 (22%)。透射电子显微镜和免疫组织化学证实,绝大多数界限清楚的细菌菌落具有 主要是在亚滋养细胞、血窦毛细血管 (89%)、子叶绒毛基质 (89%) 和滋养细胞的细胞质 (22%) 内界限清楚的细菌菌落。透射电子显微镜和免疫组织化学证实,绝大多数界限清楚的细菌菌落具有 主要是在亚滋养细胞、血窦毛细血管 (89%)、子叶绒毛基质 (89%) 和滋养细胞的细胞质 (22%) 内界限清楚的细菌菌落。透射电子显微镜和免疫组织化学证实,绝大多数界限清楚的细菌菌落具有弯曲杆菌流产在亚滋养细胞窦状毛细血管内。在绵羊弯曲杆菌流产病例中发现的最具特征性的微观病变是胎盘细菌菌落的胎盘炎、胎盘血管炎和胎儿肺炎。
