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Roger David Elston (1928–2021)
The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society) ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-27 , DOI: 10.1111/rssa.12735
Eric Page 1 , David A. Elston 2

Roger was born on 18 December 1928 to French and English parents and passed away peacefully on 30 April 2021.

He was raised mainly in London, educated initially at Battersea Grammar School and progressing to Imperial College London where he gained a First in Mathematics. Having completed his National Service in the RAF, he joined Reckitt and Colman in Hull in 1956 and worked in the Statistics Department under Bill Pridmore. His work focused on improving their production systems, and in particular, the formulation of disprin to alleviate headaches.

Roger became a fellow of the RSS in 1950. He served on the Editorial Panel of JRSS Series C from 1968 to 1983 and was Joint Editor from 1968 to 1971. Roger was a member of the Industrial Applications Section Committee from 1965 to 1976, serving as both Vice Chair (1967–1968) and Chair (1968–1970). He presented a talk at a Section meeting in May 1962 entitled ‘A Statistician in Automatic Data Processing’.

Roger was the founding member of the Humber Local Group of the RSS and served as Chair (1967–1968, 1984–1985 and 1994–1996) and Secretary/Treasurer (1975–1976 and 1990–1991). He was also a member of the British Computer Society.

Roger joined the University of Hull’s sub-department of Operational Research (then part of the Department of Economics and Commerce) in October 1968, working under Jim Morrison (who was considered by many to be the father of statistical engineering). At the time, the Department offered a postgraduate course in Operational Research, first as a Diploma then later as an MSc, and Roger taught the statistics courses included in these programmes. These courses required students to submit a project based on real problems provided by local industry. His industrial experience proved to be very helpful when giving advice to students and he shared in their supervision.

The department later developed into the Department of Management Systems and Sciences and undergraduate programme was introduced. He developed statistics courses for undergraduate degree programme and his teaching covered forecasting, applied probability, subjective probability relating to policy analysis and project management. He undertook consultancy work for a wide range of local companies, regularly returning home brandishing free samples that he had been given as a ‘thank you’.

Roger programmed computers as part of his work at a time when few people had ever seen one, let alone understood how to use them. He would come home with big stacks of surplus computer printout that his children treated as an unlimited supply of drawing paper.

Roger’s interests were extremely wide ranging. He was a lover of museums and art galleries where he would happily pace corridors for hours on end, seemingly reading every caption and examining every exhibit, and sang bass for many years in the Hull Bach Choir. During retirement, he enjoyed visiting places of historic interest, walking, singing, playing croquet and bridge, much of this through the Hessle group of University of the Third Age, for which he led a French conversation class. He also enjoyed travelling with his wife Lindsay, especially to France where he would speak fluent French with the locals, or within Britain, to visit his four children, their partners and his eight grandchildren.

Roger will be remembered as a kind and generous family man, who contributed to industrial advancement, both directly and by educating the next generation of industrial statisticians.


罗杰·大卫·埃尔斯顿 (1928–2021)

罗杰于 1928 年 12 月 18 日出生于法国和英国的父母,并于 2021 年 4 月 30 日安详离世。

他主要在伦敦长大,最初在巴特西文法学校接受教育,然后进入伦敦帝国理工学院,在那里他获得了数学第一。在英国皇家空军完成了他的国民服役后,他于 1956 年加入了赫尔的 Reckitt and Colman,并在 Bill Pridmore 的统计部门工作。他的工作重点是改进他们的生产系统,特别是用于缓解头痛的 disprin 配方。

Roger 于 1950 年成为 RSS 的成员。他于 1968 年至 1983 年担任 JRSS Series C 的编辑小组成员,并于 1968 年至 1971 年担任联合编辑。1965 年至 1976 年,Roger 是工业应用部门委员会的成员,担任副主席 (1967–1968) 和主席 (1968–1970)。他在 1962 年 5 月的一次会议上发表了题为“自动数据处理中的统计学家”的演讲。

Roger 是 RSS 亨伯地方小组的创始成员,并担任主席(1967-1968、1984-1985 和 1994-1996)和秘书/财务官(1975-1976 和 1990-1991)。他还是英国计算机协会的成员。

罗杰于 1968 年 10 月加入赫尔大学运筹学子系(当时是经济和商业系的一部分),在吉姆莫里森(被许多人认为是统计工程之父)的指导下工作。当时,该系提供运筹学研究生课程,首先作为文凭,后来作为理学硕士,罗杰教授这些课程中包含的统计课程。这些课程要求学生根据当地行业提供的实际问题提交一个项目。事实证明,他的行业经验在为学生提供建议时非常有帮助,他也参与了他们的监督。



罗杰的兴趣非常广泛。他是博物馆和艺术画廊的爱好者,在那里他会愉快地连续几个小时在走廊里踱步,似乎阅读每一个标题并检查每一个展览,并在赫尔巴赫合唱团唱了多年的低音。退休期间,他喜欢参观历史名胜,散步、唱歌、打槌球和桥牌,其中大部分是通过第三时代大学的 Hessle 小组完成的,他为此开设了法语会话班。他还喜欢和妻子 Lindsay 一起旅行,尤其是去法国,在那里他会与当地人说流利的法语,或者在英国探望他的四个孩子、他们的伴侣和他的八个孙子孙女。

