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A Novel Repetitive Inductive Pulsed Power Supply Circuit With Residual Energy Rapid Recovery Branch
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1109/tasc.2021.3091076
Xiaohui Liu , Haitao Li , Bo Zhao , Jian Liu , Binglin Lu , Xingyu Zuo

Due to the low electrical losses and low charging power requirements, the application of superconducting inductors in the inductive pulsed power supply (IPPS) for Electromagnetic Launch (EML) has great potential. In our previous studies, a repetitive IPPS circuit was proposed based on a high temperature superconducting pulsed power transformer (HTSPPT), which can recover the residual energy of the secondary circuit after each discharging phase and generate repetitive current pulses. However, when the load is an inductive load, such as augmented rail-type EML, the recovery process of residual energy will slow down. On this issue, this paper proposes a new repetitive IPPS circuit with residual energy rapid recovery branch. The remaining energy of the inductive load can be recovered by the capacitor in the proposed branch and can be provided to the load again in the next discharging phase. Simulations are carried out to illustrate this circuit. The results show that the proposed circuit has advantages in improving the amplitude of the output current pulse, shortening the fall time of the load current, and improving the effective energy utilization efficiency of the system.


