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Smart Railway Operation Aid System for Facilities With Low-Safety Requirements
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1109/mits.2019.2962148
Antonio Torralba , Maria Garcia-Castellano , Miguel Hernandez-Gonzalez , Juan Pablo Garcia-Martin , Ventura Perez-Mira , Roberto Fernandez-Sanzo , Antonio Jacome-Moreno , Francisco Javier Gutierrez-Rumbao

Rail traffic control systems are undergoing an important transformation. ERMTS/ECTS, CBTC, PTC and other train control systems based on radio communication are being deployed in different countries. These systems meet the high safety requirements for passenger traffic, and cover from congested urban areas to high-speed trains. However, there is a set of facilities, such as ports, dry ports, facilities for the repair and maintenance of trains, logistic centers, mines, etc., whose trains, that only carry freight, circulate in a controlled environment at a low speed. These facilities have low safety requirements. For them, present commercial systems become too expensive, so that, in most cases, railway traffic is still handled manually. This paper presents a system to aid in the exploitation of rail traffic for this type of facilities, called SFPS (Seville Ferro-Port System). SFPS presents many of the features of the most advanced traffic control systems, but incorporates innovations based on Information and Communications Technologies to reduce costs. To this end, train location is based on a satellite global positioning system, physical signs are replaced by virtual ones, displayed in an On-Board Unit, and communication is almost entirely wireless. SFPS has been in a trial phase since March 2016, covering part of the railway facilities of the Port Authority of Seville, with satisfactory results.



轨道交通控制系统正在经历重大变革。ERMTS/ECTS、CBTC、PTC等基于无线电通信的列控系统正在不同国家部署。这些系统满足乘客交通的高安全要求,涵盖从拥挤的市区到高速列车。然而,有一套设施,如港口、陆港、火车维修和保养设施、物流中心、矿山等,其火车只载运货物,在受控环境中低速流通。 . 这些设施的安全要求较低。对他们来说,目前的商业系统变得过于昂贵,因此在大多数情况下,铁路交通仍然是人工处理的。本文提出了一种系统,以帮助开发此类设施的轨道交通,称为 SFPS(塞维利亚铁港系统)。SFPS 具有最先进的交通控制系统的许多功能,但结合了基于信息和通信技术的创新以降低成本。为此,列车定位基于卫星全球定位系统,物理标志被虚拟标志取代,显示在车载单元中,通信几乎完全是无线的。SFPS自2016年3月开始进入试行阶段,覆盖了塞维利亚港务局的部分铁路设施,效果令人满意。物理标志被虚拟标志取代,显示在车载单元中,通信几乎完全是无线的。SFPS自2016年3月开始进入试行阶段,覆盖了塞维利亚港务局的部分铁路设施,效果令人满意。物理标志被虚拟标志取代,显示在车载单元中,通信几乎完全是无线的。SFPS自2016年3月开始进入试行阶段,覆盖了塞维利亚港务局的部分铁路设施,效果令人满意。