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Illness and inclusion: Mobility histories of adolescents with leprosy from Anglo-Scandinavian Norwich (Eastern England)
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-27 , DOI: 10.1002/oa.3029
Kori Lea Filipek 1 , Charlotte A. Roberts 1 , Rebecca L. Gowland 1 , Janet Montgomery 1 , Jane A. Evans 2

Leprosy is one of the most notorious diseases in history, widely associated with social stigma and exclusion. This study builds on previous work to reevaluate the medicohistorical evidence for social stigma in relation to leprosy. This is achieved by isotopic and palaeopathological analyses of adolescent skeletons (10–25 years old) from the Anglo-Scandinavian (10th–11th centuries AD) parish cemetery of St. John at the Castle Gate in Norwich (Eastern England/East Anglia). Core enamel samples from premolar and molar teeth from 10 young individuals with diagnostic lesions for leprosy were selected for radiogenic strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and oxygen (δ18O) stable isotope analyses. Isotope data did not exclude anyone from the regional range. Palaeopathological data and archaeological contexts suggest that those with visible signs of leprosy were buried with their local community and in a normative manner, thus challenging the notion of social exclusion experienced by people with leprosy throughout the Medieval Period. This study underscores the importance of bioarchaeological data in challenging broad medicohistorical and archaeological narratives.



麻风病是历史上最臭名昭著的疾病之一,与社会污名和排斥广泛相关。本研究建立在以前的工作基础上,重新评估与麻风病相关的社会污名的医学史证据。这是通过对诺里奇城堡门(英格兰东部/东安格利亚)圣约翰教区公墓的青少年骨骼(10-25 岁)进行同位素和古病理学分析来实现的。选择来自 10 名患有麻风病诊断病变的年轻人的前磨牙和臼齿的核心牙釉质样本进行放射性锶 ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) 和氧气 (δ 18O) 稳定同位素分析。同位素数据并未将任何人排除在区域范围之外。古病理学数据和考古背景表明,那些有明显麻风病迹象的人以规范的方式与当地社区一起被埋葬,从而挑战了整个中世纪麻风病患者所经历的社会排斥的概念。这项研究强调了生物考古数据在挑战广泛的医学历史和考古叙述中的重要性。