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JUE Insight: The Effect of New Market-Rate Housing Construction on the Low-Income Housing Market
Journal of Urban Economics ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jue.2021.103383
Evan Mast 1

I illustrate how new market-rate construction loosens the market for lower-quality housing through a series of moves. First, I use address history data to identify 52,000 residents of new multifamily buildings in large cities, their previous address, the current residents of those addresses, and so on for six rounds. The sequence quickly reaches units in below-median income neighborhoods, which account for nearly 40 percent of the sixth round, and similar patterns appear for neighborhoods in the bottom quintile of income or percent white. Next, I use a simple simulation model to roughly quantify these migratory connections under a range of assumptions. Constructing a new market-rate building that houses 100 people ultimately leads 45 to 70 people to move out of below-median income neighborhoods, with most of the effect occurring within three years. These results suggest that the migration ripple effects of new housing will affect a wide spectrum of neighborhoods and loosen the low-income housing market.



我说明了新的市场价格建设如何通过一系列举措放松低质量住房的市场。首先,我使用地址历史数据来识别大城市中新建多户型建筑的 52,000 名居民、他们以前的地址、这些地址的当前居民,等等六轮。该序列很快到达了低于中等收入社区的单元,这些社区占第六轮的近 40%,并且类似的模式出现在收入最低五分之一或白人百分比的社区。接下来,我使用一个简单的模拟模型在一系列假设下粗略量化这些迁移连接。建造一座可容纳 100 人的新的市场价建筑最终会导致 45 到 70 人搬出中等收入以下的社区,大部分影响会在三年内发生。
