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Mediating the Low Verbal Intelligence–Early Adult Offending Relationship With Pro-Aggression Attitudes
Criminal Justice and Behavior ( IF 2.562 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 , DOI: 10.1177/00938548211034220
Glenn D. Walters 1

This study was designed to explore a possible mechanism for the well-documented relationship between low verbal intelligence and early adult offending. It was hypothesized that low verbal intelligence, as measured by a brief vocabulary test, would predict higher pro-aggression thinking, which would then encourage future antisocial behavior. This hypothesis was tested in a longitudinal analysis of 411 male youths from the Cambridge Study of Delinquent Development (CSDD). After controlling for school performance, truancy, impulsivity, peer delinquency, and nonverbal intelligence, a path analysis revealed that low verbal intelligence at age 14 or 15 predicted violent offending (fighting) and property offending at age 21 or 22 by way of late adolescent pro-aggression attitudes. From these results, it was speculated that one mechanism linking low verbal intelligence to early adult offending is an attitude favorable to personal violation of the rights of others, in line with predictions from general personality and cognitive social learning (GPCSL) theory.


调解低语言智力 - 早期成人犯罪与亲攻击态度的关系

本研究旨在探索语言智力低下与成年早期犯罪之间有据可查的关系的可能机制。据推测,通过简短的词汇测试衡量的低语言智力会预测更高的亲攻击性思维,从而鼓励未来的反社会行为。这一假设在来自剑桥不良发展研究 (CSDD) 的 411 名男性青年的纵向分析中得到检验。在控制了学校表现、逃学、冲动、同伴犯罪和非语言智力后,路径分析显示,14 或 15 岁时的低语言智力预示着 21 或 22 岁时通过青少年职业青少年的暴力犯罪(打架)和财产犯罪。 -侵略态度。从这些结果来看,
