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Sulphur and oxygen isotope signatures of dissolved sulphate in freshwater from King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctic Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 , DOI: 10.1017/s0954102021000286
Yeongmin Kim 1 , Insung Lee 2 , Bernhard Mayer 3 , Guebuem Kim 2 , Jong Ik Lee 4 , Hyoungbum Kim 5

The sulphate ion (SO42-) is one of major species in freshwater as well as seawater, originating from various natural and anthropogenic processes (Krouse & Mayer 2000). Compared to the Northern Hemisphere, where human activities affect the sulphate concentration and isotopic signatures, the contribution of anthropogenic sulphate is likely to be negligible in freshwater and ice cores in the Antarctic region (Patris et al. 2002). This means that the sulphur and oxygen isotope compositions of the dissolved sulphate could hint at information on the sources, formation and deposition due to various natural processes and sulphur cycling in the Antarctic region, especially for the dissolved sulphate in surface waters such as ponds and creeks (Patris et al. 2000, Kim et al. 2017). Here we report the ion concentration and sulphur and oxygen isotope compositions of the dissolved sulphate in freshwater from King George Island in the Antarctic Peninsula, which provide implications regarding the sources of the dissolved sulphate and the sulphur cycling in the Antarctic region.



硫酸根离子 (SO42-) 是淡水和海水中的主要物种之一,起源于各种自然和人为过程(Krouse & Mayer 2000)。与人类活动影响硫酸盐浓度和同位素特征的北半球相比,人为硫酸盐的贡献在南极地区的淡水和冰芯中可能可以忽略不计(Patris等。2002)。这意味着溶解硫酸盐的硫和氧同位素组成可以暗示南极地区各种自然过程和硫循环的来源、形成和沉积信息,特别是池塘和小溪等地表水中的溶解硫酸盐(帕特里斯等。2000,金等。2017)。在这里,我们报告了南极半岛乔治王岛淡水中溶解硫酸盐的离子浓度以及硫和氧同位素组成,这为南极地区溶解硫酸盐的来源和硫循环提供了启示。