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Troubling Claims of Normalization: Continuing Stigmas within Michigan’s Medical Cannabis Community
Deviant Behavior ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 , DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2021.1953947
Matt Reid 1


Cannabis has undoubtedly become more accessible and commonplace in American society, and scholars and laypeople commonly claim it has achieved a normalized status. On the other hand, structural and social stigmas still impact medical and non-medical cannabis users’ everyday lives. This study attempts to restore nuance to the academic debate on cannabis normalization. The primary method used here is focus groups of cannabis patients in Michigan (n = 21), which are occasionally supplemented by key informant interviews. Findings suggest cannabis patients face persistent cannabis-related stigmas and discrimination, even in a post-prohibition state like Michigan. These stigmas create tension for patients in their personal relationships, work environments, and sense of self. Furthermore, experiences of being a cannabis patient vary along the lines of age, gender, race, and occupational status. As such, this study suggests claims of normalization may be premature or symptomatic of social privileges.




大麻无疑在美国社会中变得更容易获得和司空见惯,学者和外行普遍声称它已经达到了正常化的地位。另一方面,结构性和社会污名仍然影响医疗和非医疗大麻使用者的日常生活。这项研究试图恢复关于大麻正常化的学术辩论的细微差别。这里使用的主要方法是密歇根州大麻患者的焦点小组(n = 21),偶尔会辅以关键线人访谈。调查结果表明,即使在像密歇根这样的禁酒后州,大麻患者也面临着与大麻相关的持续污名和歧视。这些污名在患者的个人关系、工作环境和自我意识中造成紧张。此外,成为大麻患者的经历因年龄、性别、种族和职业状况而异。因此,这项研究表明,正常化的主张可能为时过早或社会特权的症状。
