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Corrigendum for: Social protection clusters in sub-Saharan Africa
International Journal of Social Welfare ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 , DOI: 10.1111/ijsw.12504

‘Social protection clusters in sub-Saharan Africa’ by Jessica Clement, International Journal of Social Welfare, 29, 20–28. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijsw.12378.

In the Literature review section of the above article (page 22), ‘quadri-furicated’ has been used instead of ‘quadri-furcated’. The correct sentences should be:
  • One of the main conclusions from this work was that a ‘quadri-furcated’ welfare mix could be found in African countries and the current state of social protection and the welfare state in Africa was limited.
  • A quadri-furcated system means that within one country, citizens face four different types of welfare mix according to their socio-economic standing.
  • Although the idea of a quadri-furcated welfare mix is observant, Bevan provided neither an overall assessment of social protection in SSA, nor insight into potential SSA welfare typologies.



杰西卡·克莱门特 (Jessica Clement) 撰写的“撒哈拉以南非洲的社会保护集群”,国际社会福利杂志,29, 20-28。https://doi.org/10.1111/ijsw.12378。

在上述文章的文献综述部分(第 22 页),使用了“quadri-furicated”而不是“quadri-furcated”。正确的句子应该是:
  • 这项工作的一个主要结论是,在非洲国家可以找到一个“四分叉”的福利组合,而非洲目前的社会保护和福利国家是有限的。
  • 四分叉系统意味着在一个国家内,公民根据其社会经济地位面临四种不同类型的福利组合。
  • 尽管四分叉福利组合的想法是观察到的,但贝文既没有提供对 SSA 社会保护的总体评估,也没有深入了解潜在的 SSA 福利类型。