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Narrative-Based Learning Activities for Science Ethics Education: an Affordance Perspective
Journal of Science Education and Technology ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10956-021-09928-x
Areej Mawasi 1 , Peter Nagy 2 , Ed Finn 3 , Ruth Wylie 4

Boasting a wide range of interactive and engaging features, narrative-based learning has become increasingly popular in educational settings. Narrative-based instructional approaches engage students in a novel set of engaging experiences for educational purposes. Although it is not a new concept, the implications of narrative-based learning for science ethics education are still understudied in the learning sciences. In this paper, we use the concept of educational affordances to describe how educators and learners could utilize narrative-based learning activities for science ethics education. We illustrate our educational framework through the example of Frankenstein200 — a learning experience inspired by Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel Frankenstein. Based on short essays describing students’ perceptions of the Frankenstein200 experience, we propose that narrative-based learning activities afford the development of two distinct mental models: doing responsible science and being a responsible scientist. These mental models can serve as important tools for learners to develop a more concrete and elaborated understanding of science ethics. The framework will help educators create narrative-based learning experiences, activities, and artifacts to support their students’ engagement with science ethics across diverse mediums.



基于叙事的学习拥有广泛的互动和引人入胜的功能,在教育环境中越来越受欢迎。基于叙事的教学方法让学生参与到一系列新颖的、以教育为目的的引人入胜的体验中。尽管它不是一个新概念,但在学习科学中,基于叙事的学习对科学伦理教育的影响仍未得到充分研究。在本文中,我们使用教育可供性的概念来描述教育者和学习者如何利用基于叙事的学习活动进行科学伦理教育。我们通过弗兰肯斯坦 200 的例子来说明我们的教育框架 - 一种受玛丽雪莱 1818 年小说弗兰肯斯坦启发的学习体验. 基于描述学生对 Frankenstein200 体验的看法的短文,我们提出基于叙事的学习活动提供了两种截然不同的心智模式的发展:做负责任的科学成为负责任的科学家。这些心智模型可以作为学习者发展对科学伦理的更具体和详细理解的重要工具。该框架将帮助教育工作者创造基于叙事的学习体验、活动和人工制品,以支持学生跨不同媒介参与科学伦理。
