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COVID-19–associated discrimination in Germany
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rssm.2021.100631
Jörg Dollmann 1, 2 , Irena Kogan 1

This study examines whether ethnic minorities in general and Asian minorities in particular have perceived an increase in discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic, a phenomenon known as COVID-19–associated discrimination (CAD). Drawing on the CILS4COVID data, which were collected among 3,517 individuals in the initial phase of the pandemic (mainly between April and June 2020), we demonstrate that especially Asian minorities (n = 80) report instances of CAD. Furthermore, CAD is reported more by Asian respondents residing in administrative districts that have been particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e. that had high seven-day COVID-19 incidence rates. Higher levels of perceived CAD are also reported by respondents originating from the Americas (n = 61) and the former Soviet Union (n = 197), but only in administrative districts with high incidence rates. We conclude that CAD reported by these groups is likely due to these groups being perceived to pose a higher threat of infection transmission. CAD reported by Asian-origin respondents is not entirely due to the actual threat posed by COVID-19, but rather to a mix of perceived threat, overt discrimination and the attribution of various negative experiences suffered since the outbreak of the pandemic to CAD.


德国与 COVID-19 相关的歧视

这项研究调查了在 COVID-19 大流行期间,一般少数民族,尤其是亚洲少数民族是否感觉到歧视有所增加,这种现象被称为 COVID-19 相关歧视 (CAD)。利用在大流行初期(主要是 2020 年 4 月至 2020 年 6 月期间)从 3,517 人中收集的 CILS4COVID 数据,我们证明了尤其是亚洲少数民族 (n = 80) 报告了 CAD 实例。此外,居住在受 COVID-19 大流行影响特别大的行政区(即 COVID-19 7 天发病率较高)的亚洲受访者更多地报告了 CAD。来自美洲 (n = 61) 和前苏联 (n = 197) 的受访者也报告了更高水平的 CAD 感知,但仅限于发病率高的行政区。我们得出结论,这些群体报告的 CAD 可能是由于这些群体被认为构成更高的感染传播威胁。亚裔受访者报告的 CAD 并不完全是由于 COVID-19 造成的实际威胁,而是由于感知到的威胁、明显的歧视以及自大流行爆发以来遭受的各种负面经历归因于 CAD 的混合。
