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The role of funding portals as signaling offering quality in investment crowdfunding
Finance Research Letters ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2021.102355
Pablo de Andrés 1 , Ricardo Correia 2 , Álvaro Rezola 3 , Nuria Suárez 2

We examine the effect of the issuer fee paid to portals on the success of investment crowdfunding using 1,694 offerings launched in the US during May 2016 – September 2019. We show that a mixed issuer fee (i.e. fixed gross fee and a share of securities) influences the probability of success, suggesting a positive signaling-effect that mitigates adverse selection problems between retail investors and issuers. Specifically, the use of a mixed issuer fee increases the probability of success by 33.5%. This effect remains after controlling for other information-risk-reducing mechanisms and it is contingent on firm-level characteristics.



我们使用 2016 年 5 月至 2019 年 9 月期间在美国推出的 1,694 种产品,研究了支付给门户网站的发行人费用对投资众筹成功的影响。我们表明,混合发行人费用(即固定总费用和证券份额)会影响成功的可能性,表明一种积极的信号效应,可以缓解散户投资者和发行人之间的逆向选择问题。具体来说,混合发行人费用的使用将成功的概率提高了 33.5%。在控制了其他信息风险降低机制后,这种影响仍然存在,并且取决于公司层面的特征。
