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Kenfack – Życzkowski indicator of nonclassicality for two non-equivalent representations of Wigner function of qutrit
Physics Letters A ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2021.127591
Vahagn Abgaryan 1, 2 , Arsen Khvedelidze 1, 3, 4 , Astghik Torosyan 1

Following Kenfack and Życzkowski, we consider the indicator of nonclassicality of quantum states for N−level systems defined via the integral of the absolute value of the Wigner function. For these systems, remaining in the framework of Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence, one can construct a whole family of representations of the Wigner functions defined over the continuous phase-space and characterized by a set of (N2) moduli parameters. It is shown that the nonclassicality indicator, being invariant under the SU(N) transformations of states, turns to be sensitive to the representation of the Wigner function. We analyse this representation dependence computing the Kenfack-Życzkowski indicators for pure and mixed states of a 3-level system using a generic and two degenerate Stratonovich-Weyl kernels respectively. Our calculations reveal three classes of states: the “absolutely classical/quantum” states, which have zero and non-vanishing indicator for all values of the moduli parameters correspondingly, and the “relatively quantum-classical” states whose classicality/quantumness is susceptible to a representation of the Wigner function. Herewith, all pure states of qutrit belong to the “absolutely quantum” states.


Kenfack – 非经典性的 Życzkowski 指标,用于 qutrit 的 Wigner 函数的两个非等价表示

继 Kenfack 和 Życzkowski 之后,我们考虑了通过 Wigner 函数绝对值的积分定义的N级系统的量子态非经典性指标。对于这些系统,保留在 Stratonovich-Weyl 对应的框架中,我们可以构建在连续相空间上定义的 Wigner 函数的整个表示系列,并以一组为特征(N-2)模参数。结果表明,非经典性指标在(N)状态的转换,变得对 Wigner 函数的表示敏感。我们分别使用通用和两个退化的 Stratonovich-Weyl 核来分析这种表示依赖性,计算 3 级系统的纯状态和混合状态的 Kenfack-Życzkowski 指标。我们的计算揭示了三类状态:“绝对经典/量子”状态,其对应模参数的所有值具有零和非零指示符,以及“相对量子经典”状态,其经典/量子易受Wigner 函数的表示。因此,qutrit 的所有纯态都属于“绝对量子”态。
