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Research on an Adaptive Neural Network K-Pixel Adversarial Example Generation Algorithm
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.1142/s0218126622500074
Chunlong Fan 1, 2 , Cailong Li 2 , Jici Zhang 2 , Yiping Teng 2 , Jianzhong Qiao 1

Neural network technology has achieved good results in many tasks, such as image classification. However, for some input examples of neural networks, after the addition of designed and imperceptible perturbations to the examples, these adversarial examples can change the output results of the original examples. For image classification problems, we derive low-dimensional attack perturbation solutions on multidimensional linear classifiers and extend them to multidimensional nonlinear neural networks. Based on this, a new adversarial example generation algorithm is designed to modify a specified number of pixels. The algorithm adopts a greedy iterative strategy, and gradually iteratively determines the importance and attack range of pixel points. Finally, experiments demonstrate that the algorithm-generated adversarial example is of good quality, and the effects of key parameters in the algorithm are also analyzed.


