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Rotating multi-charge spindles and their microstates
Journal of High Energy Physics ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.1007/jhep07(2021)182
Seyed Morteza Hosseini 1 , Kiril Hristov 2, 3 , Alberto Zaffaroni 4, 5

Some AdS3 × M7 type IIB vacua have been recently proposed to arise from D3-branes wrapped on a spindle, a sphere with conical singularities at the poles. We explicitly construct a generalization of these solutions corresponding to a class of electrically charged and rotating supersymmetric black strings in AdS5 × S5 with general magnetic fluxes on the spindle. We then perform a counting of their microstates using the charged Cardy formula. To this purpose, we derive the general form of the anomaly polynomial of the dual \( \mathcal{N} \) = (0, 2) CFT in two dimensions and we show that it can be obtained via a simple gluing procedure.

A preprint version of the article is available at ArXiv.



最近有人提出一些 AdS 3 × M 7型 IIB 真空由包裹在纺锤上的 D3 膜产生,纺锤体是一个在两极具有锥形奇点的球体。我们明确地构建了这些解决方案的概括,对应于 AdS 5 × S 5 中一类带电和旋转的超对称黑色弦,在主轴上具有一般磁通量。然后我们使用带电的 Cardy 公式对它们的微观状态进行计数。为此,我们推导出了二维对偶\( \mathcal{N} \) = (0 , 2) CFT的异常多项式的一般形式,并表明它可以通过简单的粘合过程获得。

该文章的预印版可在 ArXiv 上获得。