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Event Horizon Telescope images second black hole's jets
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.1126/science.373.6553.377
Daniel Clery

The astronomy team that 2 years ago captured the first close-up of a giant black hole, lurking at the center of the galaxy Messier 87, has now zoomed in on a second, somewhat smaller giant, in the nearby active galaxy Centaurus A. The Event Horizon Telescope merges dozens of widely dispersed radio dishes, from Hawaii to France and from Greenland to the South Pole, into a huge virtual telescope. Its latest image should help resolve questions about how such galactic centers funnel huge amounts of matter into powerful beams and fire them thousands of light-years into space. Together the images also support theorists' belief that all black holes are essentially simple objects and operate the same way, despite huge variations in their masses.



两年前,天文学小组第一次捕捉到一个巨大黑洞的特写镜头,它潜伏在梅西耶 87 星系的中心,现在已经放大了附近活动星系半人马座 A 中的第二个稍微小一点的巨星。 Event Horizo​​n Telescope 将数十个广泛分布的无线电天线(从夏威夷到法国,从格陵兰到南极)合并成一个巨大的虚拟望远镜。它的最新图像应该有助于解决这样的问题,即这样的星系中心如何将大量物质聚集成强大的光束并将它们发射到数千光年的太空中。这些图像一起也支持了理论家的信念,即所有黑洞本质上都是简单的物体并且以相同的方式运行,尽管它们的质量差异很大。
