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“A Man of Intrigue but of No Virtue”: Jean-Baptiste Stouppe (1623–1692), a Libertine between Raison d’ État and Religion
Church History and Religious Culture ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-21 , DOI: 10.1163/18712428-bja10026
Stefano Villani 1

This chapter reconstructs the life of Jean-Baptiste Stouppe (1623–1692), a Huguenot of Italian origin who in the 1650s moved to England and was employed by Oliver Cromwell in important diplomatic / espionage missions. Passing into the service of Louis XIV as a soldier, he published some pro-French propaganda works aimed at Protestants, including a famous description of Dutch religious life, published in 1673, notorious for its negative portrayal of Spinoza’s philosophy. While presenting himself as a defender of Protestant orthodoxy, Stouppe was in fact a libertine with magical-alchemical interests. An unscrupulous and ambiguous figure, his intellectual trajectory is clearly inserted in what has been defined as the crisis of the European conscience.


“一个阴谋但没有美德的人”:让-巴蒂斯特·斯托普(Jean-Baptiste Stouppe,1623-1692),一个介于存在主义和宗教之间的放荡者

本章重建了让-巴蒂斯特·斯托普 (Jean-Baptiste Stouppe)(1623-1692 年)的生平,他是意大利裔胡格诺派教徒,于 1650 年代移居英国,并受雇于奥利弗·克伦威尔执行重要的外交/间谍任务。作为一名士兵,他为路易十四服务 ,出版了一些针对新教徒的亲法国宣传作品,包括 1673 年出版的对荷兰宗教生活的著名描述,因其对斯宾诺莎哲学的负面描绘而臭名昭著。在将自己表现为新教正统的捍卫者的同时,斯托普实际上是一个对魔法炼金术感兴趣的放荡者。作为一个肆无忌惮和模棱两可的人物,他的思想轨迹显然被插入了被定义为欧洲良心危机的地方。
