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Small intestinal pseudodiverticulosis in a pony mare
The Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.1177/10406387211032001
Hannah R. Leventhal 1 , Anna M. Hassebroek 2 , Francisco Carvallo 2 , Harold C. McKenzie 1

A 14-y-old pony mare was referred after 30-d duration of intermittent pyrexia, anorexia, weight loss, and change in manure consistency. Physical examination revealed a palpable but reducible ventral abdominal mass. Transabdominal ultrasonography revealed multiple distended, hypomotile, and thickened small intestinal loops in close approximation with numerous, well-defined, hyperechoic masses. There was a large amount of echogenic peritoneal fluid; abdominocentesis revealed a neutrophilic and macrophagic inflammatory exudate, and a mixed bacterial population was cultured. Given the poor prognosis, the mare was euthanized. The autopsy findings included a large abdominal abscess, serosanguineous peritoneal fluid with fibrin strands, and ~50 outpouches communicating with the lumen and extending from the anti-mesenteric aspect of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. These structures were classified as pseudodiverticula based on the histologic absence of the tunica muscularis layer of the intestinal wall. Pseudodiverticula should be included as a differential etiology in horses when clinical signs consistent with colic, diarrhea, or weight loss are recognized and, when on examination, one or more organized masses are palpated or visualized on transabdominal ultrasound, as well as visualization of small intestinal loops with thickened walls.



一匹 14 岁的小马在间歇性发热、厌食、体重减轻和粪便稠度变化持续 30 天后被转诊。体格检查显示可触及但可缩小的腹侧腹部肿块。经腹超声检查显示多处扩张、运动迟缓和增厚的小肠袢与大量、界限清楚的高回声肿块紧密接近。腹腔积液大量回声;腹腔穿刺术显示中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞炎性渗出物,并培养了混合细菌群。鉴于预后不佳,母马被安乐死。尸检结果包括一个大的腹部脓肿、带有纤维蛋白链的血清血性腹膜液,以及约 50 个与管腔连通并从十二指肠、空肠、和回肠。根据肠壁肌层的组织学缺失,这些结构被归类为假憩室。当识别出与绞痛、腹泻或体重减轻一致的临床体征,并且在检查时,经腹部超声触诊或观察到一个或多个有组织的肿块,以及小肠的可视化时,应将假性憩室作为鉴别病因。带有加厚壁的环。
