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Analyzing the Effect of Autonomous Ridehailing on Transit Ridership: Competitor or Desirable First-/Last-Mile Connection?
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: 10.1177/03611981211025278
Moein Khaloei 1 , Andisheh Ranjbari 1 , Ken Laberteaux 2 , Don MacKenzie 1

Ridehailing services (e.g., Uber or Lyft) may serve as a substitute or a complement—or some combination thereof—to transit. Automation as an emerging technology is expected to further complicate the current complex relationship between transit and ridehailing. This paper aims to explore how US commuters’ stated willingness to ride transit is influenced by the price of ridehailing services and whether the service is provided by an autonomous vehicle. To that end, a stated preference survey was launched around the US to ask 1,500 commuters how they would choose their commute mode from among choices including their current mode and other conventional modes as well as asking them to choose between their current mode and an autonomous mode. Using a joint stated and revealed preference dataset, a mixed logit model was developed and analyzed. The results show that ridehailing per se might not be a significant competitor to transit, especially if it is integrated with transit as a first-/last-mile service. The total share of transit (transit-only riders plus those who use transit in connection with first-/last-mile ridehailing) remains substantially flat as set against conventional ridehailing services, even if ridehailing fares decrease. On the other hand, when the ridehailing price is significantly reduced by automation, our analysis suggests a decline in total transit ridership and an increase in ridehailing, especially for solo ridehailing. Also, it was found that autonomous pooled ridehailing might not be as appealing to commuters as autonomous solo ridehailing.



乘车服务(例如 Uber 或 Lyft)可以作为公交的替代或补充——或它们的某种组合。自动化作为一项新兴技术,预计将使当前公交和叫车之间的复杂关系进一步复杂化。本文旨在探讨美国通勤者表示的乘坐公共交通的意愿如何受到叫车服务价格的影响,以及该服务是否由自动驾驶汽车提供。为此,在美国各地发起了一项陈述偏好调查,询问 1,500 名通勤者,他们将如何从包括当前模式和其他传统模式在内的多种选择中选择他们的通勤模式,并要求他们在当前模式和自主模式之间进行选择. 使用联合陈述和显示偏好数据集,开发和分析了混合逻辑模型。结果表明,打车服务本身可能不是公共交通的重要竞争对手,尤其是当它与公共交通作为第一/最后一英里服务整合时。与传统的叫车服务相比,公共交通的总份额(仅限公共交通的乘客加上那些在第一/最后一英里乘车中使用公共交通的乘客)与传统叫车服务相比基本持平,即使叫车费用下降。另一方面,当乘车价格因自动化而显着降低时,我们的分析表明,公共交通总乘客量会下降,而乘车人数会增加,尤其是单人乘车。此外,还发现自主拼车对通勤者的吸引力可能不如自主单人拼车。特别是如果它作为第一/最后一英里服务与交通集成。与传统的叫车服务相比,公共交通的总份额(仅限公共交通的乘客加上那些在第一/最后一英里乘车中使用公共交通的乘客)与传统叫车服务相比基本持平,即使叫车费用下降。另一方面,当乘车价格因自动化而显着降低时,我们的分析表明,公共交通总乘客量会下降,而乘车人数会增加,尤其是单人乘车。此外,还发现自主拼车对通勤者的吸引力可能不如自主单人拼车。特别是如果它作为第一/最后一英里服务与交通集成。与传统的叫车服务相比,公共交通的总份额(仅限公共交通的乘客加上那些在第一/最后一英里乘车中使用公共交通的乘客)与传统叫车服务相比基本持平,即使叫车费用下降。另一方面,当乘车价格因自动化而显着降低时,我们的分析表明,公共交通总乘客量会下降,而乘车人数会增加,尤其是单人乘车。此外,还发现自主拼车对通勤者的吸引力可能不如自主单人拼车。与传统的叫车服务相比,公共交通的总份额(仅限公共交通的乘客加上那些在第一/最后一英里乘车中使用公共交通的乘客)与传统叫车服务相比基本持平,即使叫车费用下降。另一方面,当乘车价格因自动化而显着降低时,我们的分析表明,公共交通总乘客量会下降,而乘车人数会增加,尤其是单人乘车。此外,还发现自主拼车对通勤者的吸引力可能不如自主单人拼车。与传统的叫车服务相比,公共交通的总份额(仅限公共交通的乘客加上那些在第一/最后一英里乘车中使用公共交通的乘客)与传统叫车服务相比基本持平,即使叫车费用下降。另一方面,当乘车价格因自动化而显着降低时,我们的分析表明,公共交通总乘客量会下降,而乘车人数会增加,尤其是单人乘车。此外,还发现自主拼车对通勤者的吸引力可能不如自主单人拼车。
