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RE-ORG: Unlocking the Potential of Museum Collections in Storage
Museum International ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.1080/13500775.2021.1956772
Catherine Antomarchi , Marjolijn Debulpaep , Gaël de Guichen , Simon Lambert , Isabelle Verger


This article offers an overview of 10 years of institutional and human efforts led by ICCROM (the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and other international and national organisations to address the state of paralysis of collections in storage, and restore their potential as a tool for education and social cohesion. Launched in 2011 and tested in many different contexts and across all global regions, the RE-ORG method provides a solid, feasible and adaptable solution to the many museums struggling with overcrowded collections in storage and the impossibility of using and enabling access to them.

The article presents the situation of museum storage areas as unveiled by an international survey in 2011, and analyses the development of the RE-ORG Method and its application (145 museums and 34 countries), training strategies, lessons learned and future challenges. The reflections and experience of ICCROM’s partners and stakeholders in this project in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Chile, France, India, Nigeria and Portugal illustrate the unique and innovative aspect of the project and the results obtained in terms of preventive conservation, collection management, and sustainability. In conclusion, the article offers suggestions for a strategic and global application of RE-ORG commensurate with museums’ needs and with the inherent potential of the billions of objects in storage.




本文概述了 ICCROM(国际文化财产保护和修复研究中心)和其他国际和国家组织领导的 10 年机构和人力努力,以解决存储收藏品的瘫痪状态,以及恢复他们作为教育和社会凝聚力工具的潜力。RE-ORG 方法于2 011年推出并在许多不同的背景下和全球所有地区进行了测试,为许多博物馆在存储过度拥挤以及无法使用和访问它们的情况下苦苦挣扎的博物馆提供了可靠、可行和适应性强的解决方案。

本文介绍了 2011 年一项国际调查所揭示的博物馆存储区情况,并分析了 RE-ORG 方法的发展及其应用(145 个博物馆和 34 个国家)、培训策略、经验教训和未来挑战。ICCROM 在该项目中阿根廷、比利时、加拿大、智利、法国、印度、尼日利亚和葡萄牙的合作伙伴和利益相关者的反思和经验说明了该项目的独特和创新方面以及在预防性保护、收集管理、和可持续性。总之,本文为 RE-ORG 的战略性和全球性应用提供了建议,该应用与博物馆的需求和数十亿存储物品的内在潜力相称。
