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Fear, fuel, and fire!: Black STEM doctoral students’ career decisions during the Trump presidency
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2021.1930246
Ebony McGee 1


President Trump’s education policies continue to marginalize Black STEM students at the highest levels of education. Responding to a survey on their racialized educational experiences and future career trajectories, an ethnically diverse group of Black STEM doctoral students expressed anxiety about trying to pursue a STEM career during the Trump presidency. Their responses reflected their heightened sense of urgency to be change agents for racial justice in both the STEM arena and the wider society. These survey findings demonstrate that the Trump administration has created anxiety among minoritized people about pursuing STEM careers and triggered an activist spirit in this group of future STEM PhDs. In this paper, I discuss the ways the racist ideologies, practices, and policies of the Trump administration are impairing scientific innovation and increasing activism among Black STEMers. The findings reveal a vital need to continue discussing the consequences of the Trump administration’s assault on Blacks in the STEM disciplines.


恐惧、燃料和火!:特朗普总统任期内黑人 STEM 博士生的职业决定


特朗普总统的教育政策继续将处于最高教育水平的黑人 STEM 学生边缘化。在回答一项关于他们种族化教育经历和未来职业轨迹的调查时,一群种族多元化的黑人 STEM 博士生表达了对在特朗普总统任期内尝试从事 STEM 职业的焦虑。他们的回应反映了他们在 STEM 领域和更广泛的社会中成为种族正义变革推动者的强烈紧迫感。这些调查结果表明,特朗普政府在少数族裔中制造了对追求 STEM 职业的焦虑,并在这群未来的 STEM 博士中激发了积极进取的精神。在这篇论文中,我讨论了种族主义意识形态、实践、特朗普政府的政策和政策正在削弱黑人 STEM 人的科学创新和激进主义。调查结果显示,迫切需要继续讨论特朗普政府在 STEM 学科中攻击黑人的后果。
