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The Green Deal, National Energy and Climate Plans in Europe: Member States’ Compliance and Strategies
Administrative Sciences ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.3390/admsci11030075
Georgios Maris , Floros Flouros

This paper analyses the EU’s policies for energy and climate, using Börzel’s theoretical framework on Europeanisation, and examines Member States’ Green Deal responses, strategies, and compliance. As expressed in their final NECPs, although Member States’ responses vary, most of the critical components were partially addressed, while the others were largely addressed. We observe a considerable variation in Member States’ strategies. Member States classified as foot-dragging beforehand are fence-sitting now, while those previously categorised as fence-sitting are now either foot-dragging or pace-setting. The root cause of these classification changes for the Member States within the EU can be traced back to their internal environments in which the involved stakeholders each have a different response pace regarding environment, climate, and energy. We present and analyse our theoretical context, discuss the EU’s energy policies and the NECPs, examine Member States’ responses and compliance with this new framework, and propose several challenges.



本文使用 Börzel 的欧洲化理论框架分析了欧盟的能源和气候政策,并考察了成员国对绿色协议的反应、战略和合规性。正如其最终的 NECP 所表达的那样,尽管成员国的反应各不相同,但大多数关键组成部分都得到了部分解决,而其他大部分都得到了解决。我们观察到会员国的战略存在很大差异。以前被归类为拖后腿的会员国现在是坐在围栏上,而以前被归类为拖后腿的会员国现在要么是拖后腿,要么是设定步伐。欧盟成员国这些分类变化的根本原因可以追溯到其内部环境,在这些环境中,相关利益相关者在环境、气候和能源方面的反应速度各不相同。