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Efficacy of Pre and Post Emergence Herbicides Alone and in Combination for Effective Weeds Control without Effecting Growth and Development of Maize (Zea mays L.)
Russian Agricultural Sciences Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: 10.3103/s1068367421030083
Imran 1 , Amanullah 1 , Abdel Rahman Mohammad Al Al Tawaha 2


A field experiment was conducted on such a land which was previously used for fruit plant nursery rising at Agriculture, Research Institute Mingora Swat, Pakistan. The field was comprised on plentiful weeds due to no-tillage or other essential practices for weeds control from 5 to 7 years. The location was then assorted for Maize and soybean crop. The field was ploughed thrice during bunchy weeds presence. All weeds were removed mechanically and prepared seed bed for maize and soybean. After a shower in moon soon season weeds were emerged rapidly and covered the entire field. Therefore present study was designed to evaluate herbicidal efficacy in combination or alone in comparison with hand weeding and weedy check in maize crop during summer 2016. The chemical were sprayed before and after emergence. Various pre and post-emergence herbicide “Click 72.4 SE” pre-emergence (acetyclour + atrazine), “Sun 75% WDG” post emergence (Nicosulfuron), “Sun 75% WDG + Atrazin 38% SC” post emergence (Nicosulfuron) + (atrazine) and “Click 72.4 SE + Sun 75% WDG” pre and post emergence (acetyclour + atrazine) + (Nicosulfuron) were tested. The experiment was included on seven treatments regarding weeds control: W1 = Weedy check, W2 = acetyclour + atrazine, W3 = atrazine, W4 = Nicosulfuron, W5 = Nicosulfuron + atrazine, W6 = acetyclour + atrazine, + Nicosulfuron and W7 = manual hoeing. Main weeds were Cyperus rotundus, Tribulus terrestris, Dactyloctenium aegyptium and Cyndon dactylon. The results showed that the most effective treatment in controlling weed, reducing the dry matter of weed and reducing weeds biomass was manual hoeing followed by “Click 72.4 SE + Sun 75% WDG” pre and post-emergence (acetyclour + atrazine) + (Nicosulfuron) which effectively controlled weeds as compared to weedy check plot. The study concludes that manual hoeing and “Click 72.4 SE + Sun 75% WDG” pre and post-emergence (acetyclour + atrazine) + (Nicosulfuron) can be more effective as compare to all other treatments without effecting maize grain yield.


单独和组合使用芽前和芽后除草剂在不影响玉米(Zea mays L.)生长和发育的情况下有效控制杂草的功效


在巴基斯坦明戈拉斯瓦特研究所农业部以前用作水果苗圃的土地上进行了田间试验。由于 5 至 7 年的免耕或其他杂草控制的基本做法,该田地杂草丛生。然后该地点被分类为玉米和大豆作物。在杂草丛生期间,田地被犁了三次。机械清除所有杂草并为玉米和大豆准备种床。一场月雨过后,时令杂草迅速长出,覆盖了整片田地。因此,本研究旨在与 2016 年夏季玉米作物的人工除草和杂草检查相比较,评估组合或单独除草的功效。该化学品在出苗前后喷洒。各种芽前和芽后除草剂“Click 72.4 SE”芽前(乙酰氯+莠去津)、“Sun 75% WDG”芽后(烟嘧磺隆)、“Sun 75% WDG + Atrazin 38% SC”芽后(烟嘧磺隆)+ (莠去津)和“Click 72.4 SE + Sun 75% WDG”出现前后(乙酰氯+莠去津)+(烟嘧磺隆)进行测试。该实验包括七种关于杂草控制的处理:W1 = 杂草检查,W2 = 乙嘧磺隆 + 阿特拉津,W3 = 阿特拉津,W4 = 烟嘧磺隆,W5 = 烟嘧磺隆 + 阿特拉津,W6 = 乙腈 + 阿特拉津,+ 烟嘧磺隆和 W7 = 手动锄草。主要杂草是 测试了 4 SE + Sun 75% WDG”出苗前和出苗后(乙酰氯 + 阿特拉津)+(烟嘧磺隆)。该实验包括七种关于杂草控制的处理:W1 = 杂草检查,W2 = 乙嘧磺隆 + 阿特拉津,W3 = 阿特拉津,W4 = 烟嘧磺隆,W5 = 烟嘧磺隆 + 阿特拉津,W6 = 乙腈 + 阿特拉津,+ 烟嘧磺隆和 W7 = 手动锄草。主要杂草是 测试了 4 SE + Sun 75% WDG”出苗前和出苗后(乙酰氯 + 阿特拉津)+(烟嘧磺隆)。该实验包括七种关于杂草控制的处理:W1 = 杂草检查,W2 = 乙嘧磺隆 + 阿特拉津,W3 = 阿特拉津,W4 = 烟嘧磺隆,W5 = 烟嘧磺隆 + 阿特拉津,W6 = 乙腈 + 阿特拉津,+ 烟嘧磺隆和 W7 = 手动锄草。主要杂草是Cyperus rotundus , Tribulus terrestris , Dactyloctenium aegyptiumCyndon dactylon。结果表明,在控制杂草、减少杂草干物质和减少杂草生物量方面最有效的处理是人工锄草,其次是“Click 72.4 SE + Sun 75% WDG”芽前和芽后(乙炔+莠去津)+(烟嘧磺隆) ) 与杂草检查区相比,可有效控制杂草。该研究得出的结论是,与所有其他处理相比,手动锄草和“点击 72.4 SE + Sun 75% WDG”芽前和芽后(乙酰氯 + 阿特拉津)+(烟嘧磺隆)可以更有效,而不影响玉米籽粒产量。
