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Application-driven Test and Evaluation Framework for Indoor Localization Systems in Warehouses
arXiv - CS - Systems and Control Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: arxiv-2107.10597
Jakob Schyga, Johannes Hinckeldeyn, Benjamin Bruss, Christoph Bamberger, Jochen Kreutzfeldt

Despite their potential of increasing operational efficiency, transparency, and safety, the use of Localization and Tracking Systems (LTSs) in warehouse environments remains seldom. One reason is the lack of market transparency and stakeholder's trust in the systems' performance as a consequence of poor use of Test and Evaluation (T&E) methods and transferability of the obtained T&E results. The T&E 4Log (Test and Evaluation for Logistics) Framework was developed to examine how the transferability of T&E results to practical scenarios in warehouse environments can be increased. Conventional T&E approaches are integrated and extended under consideration of the warehouse environment, logistics applications, and domain-specific requirements, into an application-driven T&E framework. The application of the proposed framework in standard and application-dependent test cases leads to a set of performance criteria and corresponding application-specific requirements. This enables a well-founded identification of suitable LTSs for given warehouse applications. The T&E 4Log Framework was implemented at the Institute for Technical Logistics (ITL) and validated by T&E of a reflector-based Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) LTS, a contour-based LiDAR LTS, and an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) LTS for the exemplary applications Automated Pallet Booking, Goods Tracking, and Autonomous Forklift Navigation.



尽管它们具有提高运营效率、透明度和安全性的潜力,但在仓库环境中使用本地化和跟踪系统 (LTS) 的情况仍然很少。原因之一是缺乏市场透明度和利益相关者对系统性能的信任,这是由于测试和评估 (T&E) 方法使用不当以及获得的 T&E 结果的可转移性造成的。T&E 4Log(物流测试和评估)框架旨在检查如何提高 T&E 结果在仓库环境中实际场景的可转移性。考虑到仓库环境、物流应用和特定领域的要求,传统的 T&E 方法被集成和扩展到一个应用程序驱动的 T&E 框架中。建议的框架在标准和依赖于应用程序的测试用例中的应用导致了一组性能标准和相应的特定于应用程序的要求。这可以为给定的仓库应用程序确定合适的 LTS。T&E 4Log 框架在技术物流研究所 (ITL) 实施,并通过基于反射器的光检测和测距 (LiDAR) LTS、基于轮廓的 LiDAR LTS 和超宽带 (UWB) LTS 的 T&E 验证典型应用包括自动托盘预订、货物跟踪和自动叉车导航。这可以为给定的仓库应用程序确定合适的 LTS。T&E 4Log 框架在技术物流研究所 (ITL) 实施,并通过基于反射器的光检测和测距 (LiDAR) LTS、基于轮廓的 LiDAR LTS 和超宽带 (UWB) LTS 的 T&E 验证典型应用包括自动托盘预订、货物跟踪和自动叉车导航。这可以为给定的仓库应用程序确定合适的 LTS。T&E 4Log 框架在技术物流研究所 (ITL) 实施,并通过基于反射器的光检测和测距 (LiDAR) LTS、基于轮廓的 LiDAR LTS 和超宽带 (UWB) LTS 的 T&E 验证典型应用包括自动托盘预订、货物跟踪和自动叉车导航。