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Patterns of Patterns
arXiv - CS - Social and Information Networks Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: arxiv-2107.10497
Joseph Corneli, Alex Murphy, Raymond S. Puzio, Leo Vivier, Noorah Alhasan, Charles J. Danoff, Vitor Bruno, Charlotte Pierce

We introduce Inayatullah's Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) method from the field of futures studies into the domain of design patterns. We develop a brief case study that shows how we have integrated CLA with patterns in a collaborative research project studying the Emacs editor. We then apply the method to explore the way the design pattern discourse as a whole is evolving. We discuss implications for future research and innovation, outlining several scenarios for the use of design patterns in large-scale distributed collaboration.



我们将 Inayatullah 的因果分层分析 (CLA) 方法从未来研究领域引入到设计模式领域。我们开发了一个简短的案例研究,展示了我们如何在一个研究 Emacs 编辑器的合作研究项目中将 CLA 与模式集成。然后,我们应用该方法来探索设计模式话语作为一个整体的演变方式。我们讨论了对未来研究和创新的影响,概述了在大规模分布式协作中使用设计模式的几种场景。