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Rodeo Algorithm for Quantum Computing
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.040505
Kenneth Choi 1 , Dean Lee 2 , Joey Bonitati 2 , Zhengrong Qian 2 , Jacob Watkins 2

We present a stochastic quantum computing algorithm that can prepare any eigenvector of a quantum Hamiltonian within a selected energy interval [Eε,E+ε]. In order to reduce the spectral weight of all other eigenvectors by a suppression factor δ, the required computational effort scales as O[|logδ|/(pε)], where p is the squared overlap of the initial state with the target eigenvector. The method, which we call the rodeo algorithm, uses auxiliary qubits to control the time evolution of the Hamiltonian minus some tunable parameter E. With each auxiliary qubit measurement, the amplitudes of the eigenvectors are multiplied by a stochastic factor that depends on the proximity of their energy to E. In this manner, we converge to the target eigenvector with exponential accuracy in the number of measurements. In addition to preparing eigenvectors, the method can also compute the full spectrum of the Hamiltonian. We illustrate the performance with several examples. For energy eigenvalue determination with error ε, the computational scaling is O[(logε)2/(pε)]. For eigenstate preparation, the computational scaling is O(logΔ/p), where Δ is the magnitude of the orthogonal component of the residual vector. The speed for eigenstate preparation is exponentially faster than that for phase estimation or adiabatic evolution.


用于量子计算的 Rodeo 算法

我们提出了一种随机量子计算算法,该算法可以在选定的能量区间内准备量子哈密顿量的任何特征向量 [-ε,+ε]. 为了通过抑制因子减少所有其他特征向量的频谱权重δ,所需的计算工作量缩放为 [|日志δ|/(ε)], 在哪里 是初始状态与目标特征向量的平方重叠。我们称之为圈地算法的方法使用辅助量子位来控制哈密顿量的时间演化减去一些可调参数. 对于每个辅助量子位测量,特征向量的幅度乘以一个随机因子,该因子取决于它们的能量与. 通过这种方式,我们以测量次数的指数精度收敛到目标特征向量。除了准备特征向量外,该方法还可以计算哈密顿量的全谱。我们用几个例子来说明性能。对于有误差的能量特征值确定ε,计算标度为 [(日志ε)2/(ε)]. 对于本征态准备,计算缩放为(日志Δ/), 在哪里 Δ是残差向量的正交分量的大小。本征态制备的速度比相位估计或绝热演化的速度呈指数级快。