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Toward understanding the long-term persistence of a local governance system among artisanal fishers in Chile
Ecology and Society ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.5751/es-12479-260305
Jaime A. Aburto , Wolfgang Stotz , Georgina Cundill , Carlos Tapia

An important characteristic for the persistence of social-ecological systems (SESs) over time is the adaptation of local institutions to the dynamic of the resources on which they depend, especially when communities face resources with high spatial and temporal variability. Previous studies on Territorial User Rights for Fisheries (TURF) in Chile (?reas de Manejo y Explotaci?n de Recursos Bent?nicos, AMERB) showed that resources with high levels of variability, such as the highly valuable surf clam Mesodesma donacium, can have negative impacts on collective efforts among fishers to govern marine resources under AMERB, resulting in the collapse of local institutions in this boom-and-bust fishery. Here, we reflect on the only known case in Chile (Coquimbo Bay) in which local institutions, its governance mechanisms, and the surf clam M. donacium fishery have persisted over long periods of time, despite disturbances from the natural and social systems. Using participatory techniques, we draw on local fishers' in-depth knowledge of both the resource and their own historical coping mechanisms to understand the potential sources of institutional persistence among local fishers faced with a resource that has high levels of variability. We find that this unique success of a surf clam AMERB in Chile is attributed to the local conditions, such as the roots that fishers have to their village, the support by women and family, and also to the ecological settings of Coquimbo Bay and resource characteristics, that facilitate larval dispersal among the different bays, maintaining recruitment and production that sustains the AMERB. Thus, the persistence of the institution has been built over generations of coping with major disturbances to the SES, directly related to the persistence of M. donacium stocks over time, which has allowed the development of a well-structured institution with a strong fishers' organization, good leaders, a division of labor among members, shared responsibilities, and equitable income distribution.



随着时间的推移,社会生态系统 (SES) 持续存在的一个重要特征是地方机构能够适应它们所依赖的资源的动态变化,尤其是当社区面临空间和时间变化很大的资源时。智利先前关于渔业领土用户权利 (TURF) 的研究 (?reas de Manejo y Explotaci?n de Recursos Bent?nicos, AMERB) 表明,具有高度可变性的资源,例如高价值的海蜇 Mesodesma donacium,可以对渔民在 AMERB 下管理海洋资源的集体努力产生负面影响,导致当地机构在这种繁荣与萧条的渔业中崩溃。在这里,我们回顾了智利(科金博湾)唯一已知的案例,其中当地机构、其治理机制和冲浪蛤 M. 尽管来自自然和社会系统的干扰,多纳西姆渔业长期存在。使用参与式技术,我们利用当地渔民对资源和他们自己的历史应对机制的深入了解,了解当地渔民面临高度可变性资源的制度持久性的潜在来源。我们发现,智利冲浪蛤 AMERB 的这一独特成功归功于当地条件,例如渔民对村庄的根基、妇女和家庭的支持,以及科金博湾的生态环境和资源特征,促进幼虫在不同海湾之间的扩散,维持维持 AMERB 的招募和生产。因此,