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Urban 110 kV indoor substation noise analysis and control schemes: A real case study
Applied Acoustics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108290
Lv Wang 1 , Mingxin Geng 1 , Xiaochun Bai 1 , Jiangang Ma 1 , Yalin Zhao 1 , Chen Shen 1 , Bin Yang 1

As an important node in urban city, power substation provides the clean energy to thousands of households, ensuring a stable and high quality of urban life. However, the influence of noise emission from substation is always underestimated. With the improvement of environmental consciousness, making the substations quietly hidden in urban cities becomes an urgent issue which should be thoroughly considered. A real case is presented in this paper to vividly reflect how such a comprehensive noise issue is faced and tackled through proper techniques and novel applications. Based on the low-frequency noise characteristics of 110 kV power transformers and the limited space features of indoor substation, integrated noise control schemes are proposed with consideration of low-noise design of ventilation and heat dissipation systems. Dynamic vibration absorber is firstly investigated and designed to minimize the vibration of transformer tank. After the practical implementation, the acoustic environment is reevaluated and the measurement results verified the noise control effect. Consequently, the acoustic environment quality within and out of substation is improved and the negative impact of urban substation is controlled.


城市110 kV室内变电站噪声分析与控制方案:一个真实案例

