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Got Beer? A Systematic Review of Beer and Exercise
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-20 , DOI: 10.1123/ijsnem.2021-0064
Jaison L Wynne 1 , Patrick B Wilson 1

Beer is used to socialize postexercise, celebrate sport victory, and commiserate postdefeat. Rich in polyphenols, beer has antioxidant effects when consumed in moderation, but its alcohol content may confer some negative effects. Despite beer’s popularity, no review has explored its effects on exercise performance, recovery, and adaptation. Thus, a systematic literature search of three databases (PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science) was conducted by two reviewers. The search resulted in 16 studies that were appraised and reviewed. The mean PEDro score was 5.1. When individuals are looking to rehydrate postexercise, a low-alcohol beer (<4%) may be more effective. If choosing a beer higher in alcoholic content (>4%), it is advised to pair this with a nonalcoholic option to limit diuresis, particularly when relatively large volumes of fluid (>700 ml) are consumed. Adding Na+ to alcoholic beer may improve rehydration by decreasing fluid losses, but palatability may decrease. These conclusions are largely based on studies that standardized beverage volume, and the results may not apply equally to situations where people ingest fluids and food ad libitum. Ingesting nonalcoholic, polyphenol-rich beer could be an effective strategy for preventing respiratory infections during heavy training. If consumed in moderation, body composition and strength qualities seem largely unaffected by beer. Mixed results that limit sweeping conclusions are owed to variations in study design (i.e., hydration and exercise protocols). Future research should incorporate exercise protocols with higher ecological validity, recruit more women, prioritize chronic study designs, and use ad libitum fluid replacement protocols for more robust conclusions.



啤酒用于运动后社交、庆祝运动胜利和对失败后表示同情。啤酒富含多酚,适量饮用具有抗氧化作用,但其酒精含量可能会带来一些负面影响。尽管啤酒很受欢迎,但没有评论探讨过它对运动表现、恢复和适应的影响。因此,两名审稿人对三个数据库(PubMed、SPORTDiscus 和 Web of Science)进行了系统的文献检索。搜索结果是对 16 项研究进行了评估和审查。平均 PEDro 评分为 5.1。当人们希望在运动后补充水分时,低酒精啤酒 (<4%) 可能更有效。如果选择酒精含量较高(>4%)的啤酒,建议将其与不含酒精的选项配对以限制利尿,特别是当消耗相对大量的液体(>700 毫升)时。添加钠+含酒精的啤酒可以通过减少液体流失来改善补液,但适口性可能会降低。这些结论主要基于标准化饮料体积的研究,结果可能不适用于人们随意摄入液体和食物的情况。摄入不含酒精、富含多酚的啤酒可能是在高强度训练期间预防呼吸道感染的有效策略。如果适量饮用,身体成分和力量品质似乎在很大程度上不受啤酒的影响。限制广泛结论的混合结果归因于研究设计的变化(即水合作用和锻炼方案)。未来的研究应纳入具有更高生态有效性的运动方案,招募更多女性,优先考虑长期研究设计,
