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Shale transformations and physical properties—Implications for seismic expression of mobile shales
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103746
Juan I. Soto 1 , Michael R. Hudec 1 , Nazmul H. Mondol 2, 3 , Mahdi Heidari 1

Seismic interpretation of mobile shales is challenging, mostly because of their unclear seismic expression. Imaging of mobile shales is difficult because of their low seismic-impedance contrast with many sedimentary rocks, spatial variation of their seismic properties, complex geometries of mobile-shales structures, and their complex internal structures. Furthermore, their seismic properties depend strongly on both overpressure and fluid content, which are difficult to predict.

To unravel this problem, we reviewed the physical properties of shales, merging data from in situ determinations of density and sonic velocities with experimental data and modeling results. We analyzed how diagenetic transformations during shale burial modify their physical properties and seismic characteristics. We reviewed conditions for smectite-illite transformation and gas generation (mostly methane) by oil cracking to evaluate how thermal gradient, shale composition, and hydrocarbon content modify the densities, sonic velocities, and seismic expressions of mobile shales. We then incorporated the amount and type of fluids released in shales during diagenesis into a study of seismic reflectivity of mobile shales.

Results derived theoretically for various types of mobile-shale contacts are compared with high-quality seismic examples, including mud volcanoes and a variety of complex shale diapirs. Observed reflectivity and seismic fabrics are discussed to infer clay composition, fluid content and type, and temperature.





