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Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.1019

In the article by Kurata M, Iwashita Y, Ohyama T, Endo I, Hibi T, Umezawa A, et al. Assembling a library of typical surgery video clips to construct a system for assessing the surgical difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2021;28:255–62. https://doi.org/10.1002/jhbp.871

There was error in Table 1 of the article. The updated Table 1 is below:

TABLE 1. Intraoperative findings that potentially contribute to surgical difficulty
A. Factors related to inflammation of the gallbladder
(a) Appearance around the gallbladder
1. Fibrotic adhesions around the gallbladder due to inflammation
2. Partial scarring adhesions around the gallbladder
3. Diffuse scarring adhesions around the gallbladder
(b) Appearance of the Calot’s triangle area
4. Sparse fibrotic change in the Calot’s triangle area
5. Dense fibrotic change but no scarring in the Calot’s triangle area
6. Partial scarring in the Calot’s triangle area
7. Diffuse scarring in the Calot’s triangle area
(c) Appearance of the gallbladder bed
8. Sparse fibrotic change in the gallbladder bed
9. Dense fibrotic change in the gallbladder bed
10. Partial scarring in the gallbladder bed
11. Diffuse scarring in the gallbladder bed
(d) Additional findings of the gallbladder and its surroundings
12. Edematous change around the gallbladder/in the Calot’s triangle area / in the gallbladder bed
13. Easy bleeding at dissection around the gallbladder/in the Calot’s triangle area / in the gallbladder bed
14. Necrotic changes around the gallbladder/in the Calot’s triangle area/in the gallbladder bed
15. Non-iatrogenic, perforated gallbladder wall and / or abscess formation towards the abdominal cavity noted during adhesiolysis around the gallbladder
16. Abscess formation towards the liver parenchyma
17. Cholecysto-enteric fistula
18. Cholecysto-choledochal fistula (included in the expanded classification of Mirizzi syndrome)
19. Impacted gallstone in the confluence of the cystic, common hepatic, and common bile duct (included in the expanded classification of Mirizzi syndrome)
B. Intra-abdominal factors unrelated to inflammation
20. Excessive visceral fat
21. Inversion of the gallbladder in the gallbladder bed due to liver cirrhosis
22. Collateral vein formation due to liver cirrhosis
23. Non-inflammatory (physiological) adhesion around the gallbladder
24. Anomalous bile duct
25. Gallbladder neck mounting on the common bile duct

The author apologizes for this error.



在 Kurata M、Iwashita Y、Ohyama T、Endo I、Hibi T、Umezawa A 等人的文章中。组装典型手术视频剪辑库,构建腹腔镜胆囊切除术手术难度评估系统。J肝胆胰科学。2021;28:255–62。https://doi.org/10.1002/jhbp.871

文章表一有误。更新后的表 1 如下:

表 1.可能导致手术困难的术中发现
A. 与胆囊炎症有关的因素
(a) 胆囊周围的外观
(b) Calot 三角区的外观
4. Calot 三角区稀疏的纤维化改变
7. Calot 三角区的弥漫性疤痕
(c) 胆囊床外观
8. 胆囊床稀疏的纤维化改变
9. 胆囊床的密集纤维化变化
10. 胆囊床部分疤痕
11. 胆囊床弥漫性瘢痕
(d) 胆囊及其周围的其他发现
13. 解剖胆囊周围/Calot 三角区/胆囊床容易出血
15. 在胆囊周围的粘连松解过程中注意到非医源性、穿孔的胆囊壁和/或朝向腹腔的脓肿形成
16. 肝实质脓肿形成
17. 胆囊肠瘘
18. 胆囊-胆总管瘘(包括在 Mirizzi 综合征的扩展分类中)
19. 胆囊、肝总管和胆总管汇合处的嵌顿胆结石(包括在 Mirizzi 综合征的扩展分类中)
B. 与炎症无关的腹内因素
22. 肝硬化引起的侧支静脉形成
23. 胆囊周围的非炎症性(生理性)粘连
24. 异常胆管

