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Briefs / Feuilletons
Fontes Artis Musicae ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-22
James P. Cassaro, Julianna Gócza, Mari Itoh

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Briefs / Feuilletons
  • James P. Cassaro, Julianna Gócza, and Mari Itoh

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text New Additions for July 2021

This summer, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text (https://www.rilm.org/abstracts/) will add ten more titles to its full-text journal collection. The new titles are:

Bašćinski glasi: Južnohrvatski etnomuzikološki godišnjak (Omiš: Festival Dalmatinskih Klapa, 1991–). ISSN 1330-1128 and E-ISSN 2584-4059.

Bašćinski glasi is the leading scholarly journal focused on music of southern Croatia. It includes articles concerning both musicology and ethnomusicology, as well as occasionally some music compositions. Individual volumes are dedicated to music scholars who have significantly advanced music research in Dalmatia.

BIOS: Journal of the British Institute of Organ Studies (Oxford: Positif Press, 1977–). ISSN 0141-4992.

The Journal of the British Institute of Organ Studies is a peer-reviewed publication that presents articles on British organs, organ builders, organ music, and other relevant topics. It is the annual publication of the British Institute of Organ Studies (BIOS). While nominally focussed on the British organ, the journal includes articles on wider topics less closely associated with the central topic: in recent years essays on 'organized pianos' have appeared, along with articles on organs in former crown colonies, and the development and usage of the Barker lever in Cavaille-Coll organs.

Circuit: Musiques contemporaines (Montréal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1990–). ISSN 1183-1693 and E-ISSN 1488-9692.

Circuit was founded in 1989 at the behest of Lorraine Vaillancourt, founder and director of the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne (in residence at the Université de Montréal), and Jean-Jacques Nattiez, its first editor-in-chief. Circuit publishes articles, documents, and case files in French and English on contemporary music from Québec, North America, and abroad. Designed as an arts journal and as an object of aesthetic reflection, it is aimed at all those who have an interest in contemporary musical and artistic creation issues. The journal is called Circuit after Serge Garant (1929–1986), an important figure of Québec's musical scene and composer of three musical pieces of the same name.

Cuadernos de investigación musical (Ciudad Real: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha / Centro de Investigación y Documentación Musical (CIDoM), 2016–). ISSN 2530-6847.

Cuadernos de investigación musical is a peer-reviewed journal published by Centro de Investigación y Documentación Musical (CIDoM) in Spain. The journal features original scholarly writings from all areas of ethno/musicology, including instrumental practices, aesthetics of music, the presence of music in audiovisual media, and other fields of study related to music. [End Page 169]

KunstMusik: Schriften zur Musik als Kunst (Köln: Maria de Alvear World Edition, 2003–). ISSN 1612-6173.

An initiative by Maria de Alvear, a Spanish-German composer living in Cologne, Kunstmusik appears twice a year. Articles focus on music that claims to be art (whether it is, is another question). Authors are generally composers, sound artists, and visual artists who create music and who in their unfiltered contributions express what can be said not with, but rather about music as art. As such the journal serves as a forum for the current state of art music.

Nordic Sounds (København: Dansk Musik Informations Center (MIC), 1982–2006). ISSN 0108-2914.

Nordic Sounds, the quarterly magazine of the Nordic Music Committee (NOMUS), was published between 1982 and 2006. The magazine reported on musicians, composers, and musical life in the Nordic countries.

La revue [arabe] des sciences de l'education musicale / Mağallaẗ 'ulūm al-tarbīyyaẗ al-mūsīqīyyaẗ / (Hadath–Baabda: Éditions de l'Université Antonine, 2017–). ISSN 2523-0778.

Mağallaẗ 'ulūm al-tarbīyyaẗ al-mūsīqīyyaẗ is an annual refereed academic periodical, prepared by the Center for Research in Musical Traditions at Antonine University, Lebanon. Published by the university's publishing house, in cooperation with Dar Al-Farabi, the journal aims to encourage academic research in the field of music education in the Arab world and make this available to scholars and educators.

Musicology and Cultural Science (Tblisi: Sakartvelos Teknikuri Universiteti/ Georgian Technical...


内裤 / Feuilletons


  • 内裤 / Feuilletons
  • James P. Cassaro、Julianna Gócza 和 Mari Itoh

2021 年 7 月RILM 音乐文学文摘全文新增

今年夏天,RILM 全文音乐文学摘要 (https://www.rilm.org/abstracts/) 将在其全文期刊收藏中再增加十个标题。新标题是:

Bašćinski glasi: Južnohrvatski etnomuzikološki godišnjak (Omiš: Festival Dalmatinskih Klapa, 1991–)。ISSN 1330-1128 和 E-ISSN 2584-4059

Bašćinski glasi是专注于克罗地亚南部音乐的领先学术期刊。它包括关于音乐学和民族音乐学的文章,偶尔也包括一些音乐作品。个别卷献给在达尔马提亚有显着进步音乐研究的音乐学者。

BIOS:英国器官研究所杂志(牛津:Positif Press,1977–)。ISSN 0141-4992

The Journal of the British Institute of Organ Studies是一份同行评审刊物,刊登关于英国管风琴、管风琴制造商、管风琴音乐和其他相关主题的文章。它是英国器官研究所 (BIOS) 的年度出版物。虽然名义上侧重于英国管风琴,但该杂志包括与中心主题不太相关的更广泛主题的文章:近年来出现了关于“有组织的钢琴”的文章,以及关于前皇家殖民地的管风琴以及发展和使用的文章Cavaille-Col 风琴中的 Barker 杠杆。

巡回:Musiques contemporaines(蒙特利尔:蒙特利尔大学出版社,1990–)。ISSN 1183-1693 和 E-ISSN 1488-9692

Circuit于 1989 年在 Nouvel Ensemble Moderne(在蒙特利尔大学居住)的创始人兼董事 Lorraine Vaillancourt 和第一任主编 Jean-Jacques Nattiez 的授意下成立。Circuit以法语和英语出版有关魁北克、北美和国外当代音乐的文章、文档和案例档案。作为艺术期刊和审美反思的对象,它面向所有对当代音乐和艺术创作问题感兴趣的人。该杂志被称为电路塞尔日·加兰特(1929年至1986年),魁北克的音乐场景和同名三个音乐作品的作曲家的重要人物了。

Cuadernos deinvestigación 音乐剧(Ciudad Real:Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha / Centro de Investigación y Documentación Musical (CIDoM),2016–)。ISSN 2530-6847

Cuadernos deinvestigación Musical 是由西班牙音乐研究中心 (CIDoM) 出版的同行评审期刊。该杂志收录了民族/音乐学各个领域的原创学术著作,包括乐器实践、音乐美学、视听媒体中音乐的存在以及与音乐相关的其他研究领域。[第169页结束]

KunstMusik: Schriften zur Musik als Kunst (Köln: Maria de Alvear World Edition, 2003–)。ISSN 1612-6173

由居住在科隆的西班牙-德国作曲家 Maria de Alvear 发起,艺术音乐每年出现两次。文章侧重于声称是艺术的音乐(是否是另一个问题)。作者通常是创作音乐的作曲家、声音艺术家和视觉艺术家,他们在未经过滤的贡献中表达了不能用音乐表达的东西,而是将音乐视为艺术。因此,该杂志是当前艺术音乐的论坛。

北欧之声(哥本哈根:丹麦音乐信息中心 (MIC),1982–2006)。ISSN 0108-2914

Nordic Sounds是北欧音乐委员会 (NOMUS) 的季刊,于 1982 年至 2006 年出版。该杂志报道了北欧国家的音乐家、作曲家和音乐生活。

La revue [arabe] des Sciences de l'education musice / Mağallaẗ 'ulūm al-tarbīyyaẗ al-mūsīqīyyaẗ / (Hadath–Baabda: Éditions de l'Université Antonine, 2017–)。ISSN 2523-0778

Mağallaẗ 'ulūm al-tarbīyyaẗ al-mūsīqīyyaẗ是一年一度的学术期刊,由黎巴嫩安东尼大学音乐传统研究中心编写。该杂志由大学出版社与 Dar Al-Farabi 合作出版,旨在鼓励阿拉伯世界音乐教育领域的学术研究,并将其提供给学者和教育工作者。

音乐学和文化科学(第比利斯:Sakartvelos Teknikuri Universiteti/格鲁吉亚技术...
